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Exonum documentation

Results 13 exonum-doc issues
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Updated Cargo.toml file. Include missing dependencies `anyhow = "1.0"' and 'exonum-merkeldb = "1.0.0"'

Fixed a bug in `proto/service.proto` file. The import statement: `import "types.proto"' should be changed to 'import "exonum/crypto/types.proto"'

Should be double checked and merged after the repo renaming.

Here is restored old file about leader selection. It needs review and comments to be changed accordingly to other documentation style

This is a preview version of OpenAPI (aka Swagger) specification of node API extracted from current documentation and source code. This machine-readable format is going to replace the current informal...

Hi. What do you think about an idea to redesign API documentation (or add separate API reference) to make it looks like https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/. Seems that structure like this is more...

Describe changes in transaction execution brought by exonum/exonum#385.

- [ ] add example of slices serialization - [x] move Message serialization from the Transactions article


The service interoperability fragment was removed from roadmap in #65. Now it needs to be restored with more details.

Contributor license agreements are used to more precisely define contribution terms for developers. Some examples: - [Apache Foundation](http://apache.org/licenses/icla.pdf) - [Eclipse](https://eclipse.org/legal/ECA.php) - [JS Foundation](https://cla.js.foundation/) - [GitHub](https://cla.github.com/) Correspondingly, they could be useful...

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