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Powerful and flexible library for logging on files, console, memory, email, rest, eventlog, syslog, slack, telegram, redis, logstash, elasticsearch, influxdb, graylog, Sentry, Twilio, ide debug messag...
I have a logger in a TThread.Execute in Delphi windows service. The logger does not output to a text file. It outputs in the TService just after it is installed....
if fork()0 then begin exit; end; Logger.CustomTags['MYTAG2'] := FormatDateTime('YYYYMMDD', Now); // Logger.Providers.Add(GlobalLogFileProvider); with GlobalLogFileProvider do begin FileName := './log/'+aLogName+FormatDateTime('YYYYMMDD', Now)+'.log'; LogLevel := LOG_TRACE; TimePrecission := True; MaxRotateFiles := 10; MaxFileSizeInMB...
Hello all, I'm new here and landed here searching a solution for my problem. I use the quick library and logger already in standard VCL programs with no problems at...
If I have Quick.Threads in the interface/uses I get an compile error: aTask := TTask.Create( procedure( ) begin end );
This should fix the Sentry DSN parsing when using custom server ports like: "http://[email protected]:9000/47" In the current implementation, the segment indexes would be incorrect after splitting a string with multiple...
One of the best features that I'm missing from SmartInspect is the log file viewer...curious if there are plans to add a viewer here.
Delphi 10.4 I am trying to add a file logger to my simple DLL application: ``` uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, {$IFDEF VER340} Quick.Logger, Quick.Logger.Provider.Files {$ENDIF} ; function FieldOfExperiments(): longint; stdcall; begin...
According to the instructions, I am iniitialzing it with Logger.Providers.Add(GlobalLogConsoleProvider); with GlobalLogConsoleProvider do begin LogLevel := LOG_ALL; ShowEventColors := True; Enabled := True; end; Log('Test entry',etInfo); Log('Test number: %d',[1],etWarning); It...
Hi, I tried to save and load json configuration file for FileLogProvider. When I do so, my Logfile gets 2 Headers everytime. That leads me to the opinion I somehow...
Hi! Before anything, congrats on such a versatile logging library! I have been struggling to encapsulate logging habilities for our win32 apps, but only when they are executed on Windows...