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Progress towards Learning Syllabus
Concept taxonomy was discussed in issue #198. This issue is about implementation, borrowing extensively from the earlier issue.
A tracking spreadsheet for Concepts and Concept Exercises is available. A flowchart of how it might fit together is shown below.
Some that are already in progress or planned
This is a very fluid plan and will doubtless continue to change frequently!
- Boxes in solid red will almost certainly need a new concept exercise created.
- Others marked
with red borders can probably fork something suitable from other tracks (TODO). - Those with green borders have had PRs submitted for both the exercise and the associated concept.
- Those in solid green have had both merged.
graph TD
start(("Start")) --basics--> basics["lasagna"]
style basics fill:#0f0
basics --booleans--> booleans["annalyns-infiltration"]
style booleans fill:#0f0
booleans --conditionals--> conditionals["cars-assemble<br/>(vehicle-purchase)"]
style conditionals fill:#0f0
conditionals --vectors--> vectors["elyses-enchantments"]
style vectors fill:#0f0
switch -.loops.-> loops["mixed-juices"]
style loops stroke:#0f0
conditionals --switch--> switch["blackjack"]
style switch stroke:#0f0
vectors --set-operations--> set-operations["ozans-playlist"]
style set-operations stroke:#0f0
name-attribute --lists--> lists["need-for-speed"]
vectors --vector-filtering--> vector-filtering["elyses-analytic-enchantments<br/>bird-watcher"]
style vector-filtering stroke:#0f0
vector-filtering --name-attribute--> name-attribute["??"]
style name-attribute fill:#f00,color:#fff
vector-filtering --vector-functions--> vector-functions["??"]
style vector-functions stroke:#f00
vector-filtering --nothingness--> nothingness["name-badges"]
style vector-filtering stroke:#0f0
vectors --strings--> strings["log-levels"]
style strings stroke:#0f0
strings --nothingness--> nothingness["name-badges"]
style nothingness stroke:#0f0
strings --randomness--> randomness["captains-log"]
style randomness stroke:#0f0
strings --regular-expressions--> regular-expressions["regular-chatbot"]
lists --lapply-sapply--> lapply-sapply["??"]
vector-functions --lapply-sapply--> lapply-sapply["??"]
style lapply-sapply fill:#f00,color:#fff
vector-functions --matrices-arrays--> matrices-arrays["??"]
style matrices-arrays fill:#f00,color:#fff
style apply-functions fill:#f00,color:#fff
lapply-sapply --dataframes--> dataframes["??"]
style dataframes fill:#f00,color:#fff
matrices-arrays --dataframes--> dataframes
dataframes -.factors.-> factors["??"]
style factors fill:#f00,color:#fff
dataframes -.apply-functions.-> apply-functions["??"]
vector-functions --functions--> functions["??"]
nothingness --functions--> functions["??"]
style functions fill:#f00,color:#fff
nothingness --errors--> errors["factory-sensors "]
This isn't quite as tangled as it may appear.
Some tentative future concepts to be slotted in
graph TD
todo(("TODO")) --> classes
todo --> pipes
todo --> macros
todo --> raw-type
todo --> environments