markdown-it-py copied to clipboard
Option to skip adding `<pre><code>` to highlighted code
When using the highlight
option to provide a custom syntax highlighter, markdown-it-py wraps the HTML output of the highlighter in <pre><code>
unless it already starts with <pre
But that heuristic fails for pygments.highlight
, whose output does not begin with <pre
>>> pygments.highlight('print("hello")', pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name("python"), pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter())
'<div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="nb">print</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s2">"hello"</span><span class="p">)</span>\n</pre></div>\n'
So markdown-it-py turns this into <pre><code><div class="highlight"><pre>…</pre></div></code></pre>
, and existing CSS themes for Pygments need to be rewritten to account for the unnecessarily duplicated <pre>
Can we have an option to skip adding <pre><code>
that’s not subject to the heuristic?
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An alternative could be to subclass RendererHTML
and override fence()
class CustomRendererHTML(RendererHTML):
def fence(self, tokens: Sequence[Token], idx: int, options: OptionsDict, env: EnvType) -> str:
token = tokens[idx]
info = unescapeAll( if else ''
langName = info.split(maxsplit=1)[0] if info else ''
if options.highlight:
return options.highlight(
token.content, langName, ''
) or escapeHtml(token.content)
return escapeHtml(token.content)
Then this class can be selected to get the desired behavior: markdown_it.MarkdownIt(renderer_cls=CustomRendererHTML)
Upvoting this for my meeting this problem. Also, "highlight" is something that is almost undocumented. Maybe it needs more attention.
Just implemented this, it seems ok:
pygments_style = get_style_by_name('catppuccin-mocha')
def highlight_func(code: str, lang: str, _) -> str | None:
"""Highlight function using pygments."""
if not lang:
return None
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang)
formatter = HtmlFormatter(style=pygments_style, noclasses=True, nowrap=True)
return highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
md = MarkdownIt('js-default', {'highlight': highlight_func}).enable('table')
tells pygments to not add any div, pre. So it let's markdown-it do it.
@dimitrilarue No, that’s the opposite of what I need. The extra classes from Pygments such as <div class="highlight">
are important for styling, so I need to be able to tell markdown-it-py not to generate its own wrappers.