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widgets not rendering on jupyter-book website (seemingly broken)

Open meldefon opened this issue 1 year ago • 11 comments

Describe the bug

The widget demo on the jupyter-book ipywidgets page doesn't seem to be working. I also copied the code,

import ipywidgets as widgets

and try to build a page from it myself. Within the notebook itself the slider works fine, but on the rendered page I get nothing - just like in this screenshot from the jupyter-book page:

Screen Shot 2023-04-06 at 5 54 12 PM

Reproduce the bug


List your environment

python 3.11.3

>> jupyter-book --version
Jupyter Book      : 0.15.1
External ToC      : 0.3.1
MyST-Parser       : 0.18.1
MyST-NB           : 0.17.1
Sphinx Book Theme : 1.0.1
Jupyter-Cache     : 0.5.0
NbClient          : 0.5.13

meldefon avatar Apr 07 '23 00:04 meldefon

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Engagement like this is essential for open source projects! :hugs:
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welcome[bot] avatar Apr 07 '23 00:04 welcome[bot]

I am experiencing the same thing on python 3.10.9 with the above jupyter-book version.

CodingKaiser avatar Apr 20 '23 20:04 CodingKaiser

We get the same here

Jupyter Book      : 0.15.1
External ToC      : 0.3.1
MyST-Parser       : 0.18.1
MyST-NB           : 0.17.2
Sphinx Book Theme : 1.0.1
Jupyter-Cache     : 0.6.1
NbClient          : 0.7.4

marcdexet-cnrs avatar May 16 '23 15:05 marcdexet-cnrs

I tried to go back to previous version of jupyter-books to make the widget appear, but none of them is Ok. @meldefon do you get a previous version working as well ? Thanks.

marcdexet-cnrs avatar May 22 '23 08:05 marcdexet-cnrs

This sounds like a problem with the JS bundle that is used to drive ipywidgets, which is probably because you have a newer (>=8.0.0) version of ipywidgets. Could you report whether specifying the JS version works?

The html-manager package needs to be compatible with the version that ipywidgets is using. For ipywidgets<8.0.0, that's probably 0.20.0, whilst for ipywidgets>=8.0.0, it's currently more like 1.0.0.

agoose77 avatar May 22 '23 08:05 agoose77

Did this fix your problem, @marcdexet-cnrs?

agoose77 avatar May 24 '23 11:05 agoose77

Does anyone have any success with this or a notion if someone is working on an update?

I have tested on my computer with ipywidgets==8.0.2 and tried forcing the use of html-manager=1.09 using the following code in my _config.yml:

        # Load IPywidgets bundle for embedding.
        "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@jupyter-widgets/[email protected]/dist/embed-amd.js":
            "data-jupyter-widgets-cdn": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/"
            "crossorigin": "anonymous"

However, none of the interactive plots render, and there are no visible warnings as far as I can tell. As of today, https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/interactive/interactive.html#ipywidgets still displays no plot.

khliland avatar Sep 13 '23 12:09 khliland

I've used ipywidgets8 in my thesis: https://github.com/agoose77/phd-thesis/blob/03d6392032e0066aa14e8c3a9a99de9f04762cdd/_config.yml#L185-L193

This unfortunately pulls in the latest HTML manager, but one should really match it to the version given in ipywidgets.

agoose77 avatar Sep 13 '23 13:09 agoose77

I've used ipywidgets8 in my thesis: https://github.com/agoose77/phd-thesis/blob/03d6392032e0066aa14e8c3a9a99de9f04762cdd/_config.yml#L185-L193

This unfortunately pulls in the latest HTML manager, but one should really match it to the version given in ipywidgets.

Thanks for this link. We have this problem too - and I wanted to see what you'd done there. I found content/3003-software-and-infrastructure.md - but am I right that you are doing an interactive k3d widget there, but not using ipywidgets directly? Do you have any suggestions from your experience for using e.g. ipywidgets interact?

matthew-brett avatar Oct 29 '23 14:10 matthew-brett

You're right, actually; I hadn't noticed that I don't embed widgets directly. I'll take a look at this. Please ping me after Friday if I've not gotten back to you!

agoose77 avatar Oct 29 '23 21:10 agoose77

Are there any updates on this?

yanivyacoby avatar Jul 25 '24 13:07 yanivyacoby