jupyter-book copied to clipboard
extra_navbar and extra_footer ignored
Describe the bug
context When I add a string in either/both of extra_navbar and extra_footer, these strings are ignored. The navbar still shows the "Theme by the Executable Book Project" and the footer still shows the copyright line.
expectation Following the documentation, it seems that putting a string in these options would change these default values.
I checked for the obvious problems: I'm editing the good _config.yml (if I put goofy strings with syntax errors, it won't build).
thank you note I added this section to thank you for this wonderful project. I'm currently working on an hybrid book/manual/package and jupyter-book is close to heaven for this.
Reproduce the bug
Here is the contents from my _config.yml file. See that I wrote some junk in extra_navbar and extra_footer, but the result is still the default values, even if I completely wipe the _build folder.
# Book settings
# Learn more at https://jupyterbook.org/customize/config.html
title: Kinetics Toolkit
author: Félix Chénier
copyright: 2020-2022
logo: logo.png
# Force re-execution of notebooks on each build.
# See https://jupyterbook.org/content/execute.html
execute_notebooks: cache
favicon : "" # A path to a favicon image
use_edit_page_button : false # Whether to add an "edit this page" button to pages. If `true`, repository information in repository: must be filled in
use_fullscreen_button : false
use_repository_button : false # Whether to add a link to your repository button
use_issues_button : false # Whether to add an "open an issue" button
use_multitoc_numbering : true # Continuous numbering across parts/chapters
extra_navbar : "asdasdasd" # Will be displayed underneath the left navbar.
extra_footer : "jknfkjn" # Will be displayed underneath the footer.
google_analytics_id : "" # A GA id that can be used to track book views.
home_page_in_navbar : true # Whether to include your home page in the left Navigation Bar
baseurl : "https://kineticstoolkit.uqam.ca/doc/" # The base URL where your book will be hosted. Used for creating image previews and social links. e.g.: https://mypage.com/mybook/
hypothesis : false
utterances : false
"stub": |
```{admonition} Section in development
:class: admonition-stub
This section is still in heavy development. Your [suggestions](dev_contributing.md) are welcome.
"incomplete": |
```{admonition} Incomplete section
Some elements of this section are incomplete or out of date. Please feel free to [contribute](dev_contributing.md).
"dev": |
This section refers to unstable code. This code may not be tested, and the whole API and behaviour is expected to change in the future. Do not use this code for your research.
- 'sphinx.ext.autodoc' # Document objects using docstrings in API
- 'sphinx.ext.autosummary' # Generate summary table pages (for autodoc)
- 'sphinx.ext.napoleon' # Parse numpy-style docstrings (for autodoc)
- 'sphinx.ext.viewcode'
- 'myst_nb'
- 'custom-directives'
- 'sphinx_sitemap'
html_baseurl: 'https://kineticstoolkit.uqam.ca/doc'
add_module_names: False
autosummary_generate: True
autodoc_typehints: description
'ArrayLike': 'ArrayLike'
'TimeSeries': 'TimeSeries'
napoleon_google_docstring: False
napoleon_numpy_docstring: True
napoleon_include_init_with_doc: False
napoleon_include_private_with_doc: False
napoleon_include_special_with_doc: False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples: False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes: True
napoleon_use_admonition_for_references: True
napoleon_use_ivar: False
napoleon_use_param: True
napoleon_use_rtype: True
templates_path: ['_templates']
html_favicon: favicon.ico
- '_build'
- 'Thumbs.db'
- '.DS_Store'
- '.ipynb_checkpoints'
- 'api/external.*'
- 'api/ktk.external.*'
- 'api/ktk.pushrimkinetics*'
- 'toc.md'
- '_templates'
'logo_only': True # default False
'collapse_navigation': True
'navigation_depth': 4
List your environment
Jupyter Book : 0.13.1
External ToC : 0.2.4
MyST-Parser : 0.15.2
MyST-NB : 0.13.2
Sphinx Book Theme : 0.3.3
Jupyter-Cache : 0.4.3
NbClient : 0.5.13
Installed from conda-forge on a macOS system.
Thanks for opening your first issue here! Engagement like this is essential for open source projects! :hugs:
If you haven't done so already, check out EBP's Code of Conduct. Also, please try to follow the issue template as it helps other community members to contribute more effectively.
If your issue is a feature request, others may react to it, to raise its prominence (see Feature Voting).
Welcome to the EBP community! :tada:
I found my problem. I have two sections that customize the theme: a first html section, then a config.html_theme_options section. I don't understand well how they both work together, but if I move the extra_navbar and extra_footer lines in the config.html_theme_options instead of the html section, it works.
Same Issue,
For some reason, this is working
extra_footer: |
extra_navbar: |
extra_navbar : >
<div align="left">
both are not working
Still an issue folks