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where to put config and exchange setting for simulation and live trading
Needed Doc for test this bot.
Messing around the code it looks like you configure the exchange when creating a market instance in the strategy. In the BaseStrategy class init method there is these two lines which is probably what you are looking for:
if self.is_simulated: self.market = market_simulator.MarketSimulator(exchange, base_currency, quote_currency, simulated_quote_balance, self) else: self.market = market.Market(exchange, base_currency, quote_currency, self)
If you check the market.py you can see it get the exchange login from the "login-real.txt" file, you could probably change the market constructor to receive the api keys as parameter to use different exchanges or even accounts in different strategies.
Hey guys - absolutely docs would be crucial. We have put together some basic docs in the wiki but more advanced documentation will come in the future ;)