Triaged the `computeLineHeight` not updating in the inspector: It seems like it only updated when tweening (which implicitly makes the value real). That being said, it actually does update in...
Turns out computed style values have the nice side effect of populating `unset` values in the inspector!
@brandonpelfrey sorry, I didn't see you take ownership until a few hours ago. This feature seems to align enough to fix the line height issue, so yeah I'll take ownership!
Flip-flopped a lot on how I wanted to do this in the course of implementing this one. Returning default values make it easy to read in the inspector and user...
Pardon the flood of commits, rebased what I had onto main and changed appropriate commits to fixups. The null stuff has been reverted and I think this PR's ready to...
> I don't really understand how moving null out of Length prevents things like #257 To elaborate on what I mean, currently if you tween gap like so: ```ts const...
True. I'd love to discuss this more in the future but I'll leave it for now since it's not relevant to this PR.
My first thought is to have some sort of constant that represents an inherited value, so that tweening would look like this: ```ts yield* value(Signal.DEFAULT, 1.0); ``` Of course, `null`...
> I know this PR is taking ages so let me know if you're not interested in doing this in the context of this issue. Nah, I like that we're...
If I set a default font size, I think I'd want `Signal.DEFAULT` to mean the default I set, to eliminate the need for me to store my own constant with...