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Exceptionless clients for the .NET platform

Results 19 Exceptionless.Net issues
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Remove WebRequestHandler. HttpClientHandler can do all the work with help of new System.Net.Http.

This really depends on the core team on exceptionless and what rules they want to keep. I have pulled in the rules used by MSBuild which seemed reasonable. https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/pull/5656 Generally...


Mutex is a cross-process lock,Lock conflicts occur when multiple sites (with ExceptionLess.net) are deployed on a server

An exploration; still needs some work

web excepiton logs: ![LEK$K~)~(QF2KATD${SJ910](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2232794/169798793-ca26a0eb-01e8-4e3c-a423-9b78174a9d6e.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2232794/169798945-22ef3635-9597-482c-84a2-4fdf0996ca4c.png)


``` [xUnit.net 00:00:07.36] Exceptionless.Tests.Log.FileExceptionlessLogTests.LogFlushTimerWorks [FAIL] Failed Exceptionless.Tests.Log.FileExceptionlessLogTests.LogFlushTimerWorks [4 s] Error Message: Assert.True() Failure Expected: True Actual: False Stack Trace: at Exceptionless.Tests.Log.FileExceptionlessLogTestBase.LogFlushTimerWorks() in D:\a\Exceptionless.Net\Exceptionless.Net\test\Exceptionless.Tests\Log\FileExceptionlessLogTestBase.cs:line 36 ``` https://github.com/exceptionless/Exceptionless.Net/runs/6361553629?check_suite_focus=true#step:7:44

help wanted

Hello, first of all i would like to apologize that I'm posting this issue here, but the serilog exceptionless extension project doesn't include the issues page. I'm initializing logger with...

Environment tab needs to show Windows 10 build version as currently just shows: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10872799/99422311-53080600-28f7-11eb-8597-67cc7089bbe3.png) Which is not technically correct anyway as that value (6.2.x) refers to Windows 8 and Server...

feature request

This could be done today by adding a plugin https://github.com/exceptionless/Exceptionless.Net/wiki/Adding-Plugins and inspecting the Error and removing any loaded modules. This would shrink payload sizes as well... This is a customer...

feature request

I dont use nlog.config file for configuring the logger. All the configuration is done on the fly from the code. I'm trying to add additional field to the ExceptionlessTarget object...

help wanted