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feat: new library Amazon Web Service Icons
Collection of Amazon Web Service icons for Architecture Diagrams
Submitted by @sergiolecuona
Items: Elastic Search, Neptune, Step Functions, ECR, Aurora, Cloud9, Workdocs, Worklink, Workspaces, Appstream 2.0, Textract, Redshift, Trusted Advisor, Systems Manager, Cloudformation, Cloudendure, Server Migration Service, Transfer for SFTP, Datasync, Snow Mobile, Snow Edge, DocumentDB, Snowball, Secrets Manager, Cognito, Shield, IoT, EBS, FSx, Sagemaker, Direct Connect, Lightsail, Database Migration Service, Certificate Manager, Glue, Cloudtrail, Config, IAM, Kinesis Video Streams, Cloudfront, Client VPN, Elastic Beanstalk, Amplify, Directory Service, Polly, Kinesis Data Streams, SQS, NAT Gateway, Autoscaling, ECS, Organizations, Outposts, Device Farm, Macie, Translate, Comprehend, EFS, SES, SNS, Lex, Codepipeline, VMWare for AWS, Appsync, Inspector, EKS, DynamoDB, Transit Gateway, Virtual Private Gateway, VPN Site-to-Site, Transcribe, Codebuild, EMR, Private Link, Guarduty, API Gateway, Customer Gateway, VPC, S3, AWS Logo, WAF, Codedeploy, Managed Kafka, Athena, Firewall Manager, Cloudwatch, Lambda, RDS, EC2, Load Balancing, Route53, Codecommit
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