puppet-php copied to clipboard
Still trouble setting the new PHP configuration folders
Still having trouble configuring PHP new config location
If setting an ini then the above solution fails due to ini.pp
# = Define: php::ini
define php::ini (
$value = '',
$template = 'extra-ini.erb',
$target = 'extra.ini',
$service = $php::service,
$config_dir = $php::config_dir
) {
include php
file { "${config_dir}/conf.d/${target}":
ensure => 'present',
content => template("php/${template}"),
require => Package['php'],
notify => Service[$service],
file { "${config_dir}/cli/conf.d/${target}":
ensure => 'present',
content => template("php/${template}"),
require => Package['php'],
As you can see setting the above config to apache2 will excpect for cli to be apache2/cli/conf.d/ etc
Also the conf define does not support variables as far as I can see.
Ye, this is a bit incomplete piece of code, which doesn't manage well the php configuration mess on Debian derivatives for cli/apache/other alternative usages. Feel free to improve it if you want.
Checking with old versions and trying to figure out a best approach.