Evgeniy Sokolov
Evgeniy Sokolov
It is not realtime. It has some delay, depends on network and so on. Also bear in mind that ES must index changes.
Can be related to #470 and big chance that it is connection problem, if there is no any records in logs. Check that with credentials that you have you can...
> I see nothing in the ES logs about the connection either. if I'm right in #470, logs will be empty. Maybe if you stop river - there is will...
You have an error in configuration. "index": { "name": "metadata", "type": "toku" }, must be outside of "mongodb", at one level with "type": "mongodb", check examples https://github.com/richardwilly98/elasticsearch-river-mongodb/wiki
Check all messages here and try it. It hard to say where is a problem exactly. If it is work on localhost, but don't want work on another hosts -...
Please, create new issue.
@fuqqer please, close this issue if river works
1. What is in mongodb logs? 2. Try connect via command line with such credentials to mongodb database and collection. Seems that mongodb reject auth from elasticsearch.
But can you connect not to local but to test_db? Because in your settings there is: "mongodb": { "db": "test_db", "collection": "test_collection", "gridfs": false }, Also what in MongoDB logs?
Check #307, seems your case.