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Edition Visualization Technology 2 - development
EVT 2.0 (evt-viewer)
EVT (Edition Visualization Technology) is a light-weight, open source tool specifically designed to create digital editions from texts encoded according to the TEI XML schemas and Guidelines, freeing the scholars from the burden of web programming and enabling the final users to browse, explore and study digital editions by means of a user-friendly interface.
Below you can find some instructions to install and configure the development framework for EVT 2.0 (evt-viewer).
If you need to know how to use an EVT Release please read USER_README.md
Dev Environment Prerequisites
You need to preinstall NodeJS (see official documentation).
Everything works properly with versions up to v10.19.0 (you can use nvm
in order to have multiple versions of node installed in your device),
Starting the application
Clone the repository from github
git clone https://github.com/evt-project/evt-viewer.git
Move into
foldercd evt-viewer
Install dependendencies and devDependencies
npm install npm install --only=dev
Start EVT
Before starting EVT check if you have a data folder inside app where to put you XML file(s); otherwise create it. Then check if in the app/config/config.json the property dataUrl is pointing to your edition file. If you need, you can also change some of the other configuration parameters. If you need information about the configuration file, please check the README.md within the app folder, or use the beta EVT2-Config-Generator to set your preferences and download a ready to use JSON file. You can also use some ready-to-use xml files and configurations we've added to https://github.com/evt-project/evt-sample-documents (EVT2js folder).
To start EVT use
npm run start
Every time you install a new package
Stop current process (CTRL/CMD+C) then:
npm i
npm run start
Every time you checkout to a different branch
If you need to work on a different branch, we recommend that you stop current process (CTRL/CMD+C in the bash terminal), repeat the steps of dependencies and devDependencie installations and launch again :
npm i
npm run start
Generate EVT Development Documentation
Build a new EVT release
npm run build
npm run build:prod
for a minified version of the app.
Both scripts will create a build folder containing the built package. Add a data folder with the XML files you need and open the index.html file to see your digital edition. NB: in this case, in order to make EVT work properly in a local environment, you need to use a browser that allows Cross origin requests.
Branch description
This is the main branch.
This is the main development branch.
Branch dedicated to the initial development of functionalities to support critical edition. This is a closed branch.
Branch dedicated to the development of support for mobile devices. This is an abandoned branch.
Branch dedicated to the development of functionalities to support diplomatic and interpretative edition levels.
Branch dedicated to the development of functionalities to support manuscript description access.
Branch dedicated to the development of functionalities to support an interactive map of places appearing in Named Entities Places List.
Branch dedicated to the development of an internal Search Engine.
Branch dedicated to the development of the support of prose/verse visualization.
Branch dedicated to the development of a new Image Viewer and the support for Image Text Linking feature.
Branch dedicated to the test the integration of the tool 3DHOP. This is a temporarily abandoned branch.
Branch dedicated to the development of functionalities to support bibliography. This is a closed branch.
Branch dedicated to the development of functionalities to support critical edition. This is a closed branch.
Branch dedicated to the documentation management. This is a closed branch.
Branch dedicated to the development of UI localization. This is a closed branch.
Branch dedicated to the development of functionalities to support Named Entities. This is a closed branch.