Don't give me credit for implementing reccurent.py, all credits go to @CodeReclaimers It does makes sense, did you look at https://github.com/CodeReclaimers/neat-python/issues/104 there is interesting link about evolving multiple modules posted...
Weird why @CodeReclaimers is not highlighted in above post - a bug ?
What I can say, I am slow, thanks to @drallensmith for pinpointing answers that motivated to do more. @bennr01 for clear answers about computing. And most importantly you for a...
@drallensmith I think best portable format would be [C structs](https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html), would it be of interest replacing pickle with C structs ? Using C structs would also help https://github.com/CodeReclaimers/neat-python/issues/26
@eshangray, take a look at this closed issue https://github.com/CodeReclaimers/neat-python/issues/40 at the end, there is solution how to setup graphviz on windows machine.
Only think I can think of where checkpoint would not save best solution is because you reaching config.fitness_threshold.
Great, I was playing today with almost all libraries, so far my favorite cross platform lib is asciimatics, almost all others are not cross platform. Curses to work they need...
@CodeReclaimers, I am still not sure what is best way to implement it, did not spend much time on curses, because was implementing mpi4py with neat-python.
I need to cleanup code, have no problem sharing code with you. In short first implementation is version of scattered data where across nodes/process data is scattered so that eval_genomes...
With reporting I have issue between relation of inputs and outputs, to definitively build a statistical model. Any suggestion would be welcome, I got to a crazy point in terms...