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Query and Visualize the network graph of your GitHub repositories, followers, stargazers, and forks (using GraphQL and D3).
Network graph of repositories, followers, stargazers, and forks to meet your GitHub fans.
Getting the data
Get your data (user info, repositories, followers, stars, and forks) using GitHub GraphQL API.
You will need a GitHub Access Token.
Visualizing the data
Visualize your data using D3 force layout.
You will have to change the path to "data/data-evoluteur.js" for the new file you just downloaded (in index.html).
Clicking a project dot (on the graph or in the side pane) highlights it with its stargazers and forks.
The graph supports zoom and pan. Colors, size and force layout can be configured in the config.js file. You may also want to modify the CSS.
const config = {
height: 1600,
width: 1200,
strength: -30,
distance: 50,
userColors: {
follower: "#B9D7EB",
star: "#86BDDC",
fork: "#1966AC",
both: "#4A96C9",
colorFaded: "#e1e1e1",
circleBorder: "white",
maxTopics: 5,
To rebuild the project (minimizing the JS), run the following commands:
npm install
npm run mini
Meet-the-Fans is released under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2022 Olivier Giulieri.