react-native-fcm copied to clipboard
Can not resolve Symbol FirebaseInstanceId . I am unable to run the build , build gets failed .
Before openning an issue
- Reproduce it with the example project in this repo.
- If you can't receive iOS notification, make sure you can receive notification using quickstart-ios project provided by Firebase team
When openning an issue, please include following information for better support
- What version of RN and react-native-fcm are you running?
- What device are you using? (e.g iOS9 emulator, Android 6 device)?
- Is your app running in foreground, background or not running?
I am also facing the same problem
"react-native": "0.59.10" "react-native-fcm": "16.2.4",
Running on android device and android emulator is failed
My project is not running suddenly with the following error. Please help.
this project is deprecated
implementation ''
use this dependency in your build.gradle Module dependency
as per official doc -
with implementation ''
need to use - FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().token.addOnCompleteListener(OnCompleteListener { task -> if (!task.isSuccessful) { toast(getString(R.string.fcm_token_fetch_error)) return@OnCompleteListener } val token = task.result updateFcmToken(token) })
fun setNewFcm() {
FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().token.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (!task.isSuccessful) {
if (task.result != null) {
val token: String = task.result