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Documentation for Evolview
Note: the following documentation is for Evolview version 2. To access the new documentation for our latest version of Evolview(version 3) kindly access : https://www.evolgenius.info/evolview/helpsite/qst1.html
Evolview v2: an online visualization and management tool for customized and annotated phylogenetic trees
EvolView is an online tool for displaying, managing and customizing phylogenetic trees.
With EvolView, you can:
visualize phylogenetic trees of various formats,
add datasets and do customizations to phylogenetic trees,
export trees to various text (newick, nhx, phyloXML, etc) and graphic formats, and
organize trees, projects and datasets in an intuitive and efficient way.
Cite our latest publication if you find this tool useful:
Subramanian et al. (2019). "Evolview v3: a webserver for visualization, annotation, and management of phylogenetic trees." Nucleic Acids Res 47(W1): W270-W275. (https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz357)
He et al, Evolview v2: an online visualization and management tool for customized and annotated phylogenetic trees, Nucleic Acids Res, (2016). (http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/44/W1/W236)
Zhang et al. EvolView, an online tool for visualizing, annotating and managing phylogenetic trees. Nucleic Acids Res (2012) pp. 4. (http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/W1/W569). See also the citation page.
Table of Contents
The WebServer
* Evolview Web server
Supported Browsers
* Supported browsers
What's New
* See latest news and updates on _Evolview_
A quick start
* A quick walkthrough of _Evolview_
A not so quick start
- A detailed introduction to Evolview
- Please choose a topic below to continue
- Create an account
- Use anonymously
- Login with SNS accounts
- The interface
Supported HTML color names (link to external webpage)
- Supported HTML color names in Evolview
- Note: hex colors are of course supported!!
Performance of Evolview
* performance of Evolview
Some Artistic visualisation styles
* Stylish tree visualisation styles that can be used in combination with others
- Detailed introduction to supported annotation datasets
- Please choose a topic below to continue:
- Dataset overview
- Stroke color and width
- Pie charts
- Bars
- Branch color
- Leaf color
- Leaf background color
- Leaf label decorations
- Color strip and color shapes
- Protein domains
- Group label
- Dot plots
- Heatmap
- Bootstrap value style
- Column plots
- Collapse at internal nodes
- Time line
Share your tree
* Share your trees for others to view
Supported tree formats
* Supported trees and examples
* Frequently asked questions
* Acknowledgements
Deploy Evolview to a local server
* Deploy Evolview to a local server