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MsgSubmitProposal RLP Type
Anyone have any idea what the problem is with submitting a text-based governance proposal? This is the only type of message for which I can't get Evmos + Ledger to work with Keplr.
I get the below error:
Error: signature verification failed; please verify account number (1990873) and chain-id (evmos_9001-2): feePayer pubkey EthPubKeySecp256k1{026F434A5E0356CDC54D9999145F5681628D042AE487DE0E44293C134DBBAE5CB6} is different from transaction pubkey EthPubKeySecp256k1{022E10BA94588FE6B3965F46F29F6EF68008B80EF823B0FFB746A53BCD61A3B915}: invalid pubkey [evmos/[email protected]/app/ante/eip712.go:253]: unauthorized
at r (injectedScript.bundle.js:1:15627)
The used RLP Type:
MsgValue: [
{ name: "content", type: "TypeProposalTextDescription" },
{ name: "initial_deposit", type: "TypeAmount[]" },
{ name: "proposer", type: "string" },
TypeProposalTextDescription: [
{ name: "description", type: "string" },
{ name: "title", type: "string" },
{ name: "type", type: "string" },
TypeAmount: [
{ name: "denom", type: "string" },
{ name: "amount", type: "string" }
The signDoc content looks like this:
"chain_id": "evmos_9001-2",
"account_number": "1990873",
"sequence": "54",
"fee": {
"amount": [
"amount": "2500000000",
"denom": "aevmos"
"gas": "250000",
"feePayer": "evmos1lmdw0am9y4pa53n33rn8m9wgsyvhl8dhcllmm6"
"msgs": [
"type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgSubmitProposal",
"value": {
"content": {
"type": "cosmos-sdk/TextProposal",
"title": "test evmos+ledger with Keplr (please don't deposit for this proposal)",
"description": "test evmos+ledger with Keplr (please don't deposit for this proposal)"
"initial_deposit": [
"amount": "1000000000000",
"denom": "aevmos"
"proposer": "evmos1lmdw0am9y4pa53n33rn8m9wgsyvhl8dhcllmm6"
"memo": ""
If I use type: any for the content property, I get the below error:
Error: unknown type "any" (argument="types", value={"Tx":[{"name":"account_number","type":"string"},{"name":"chain_id","type":"string"},{"name":"fee","type":"Fee"},{"name":"memo","type":"string"},{"name":"msgs","type":"Msg[]"},{"name":"sequence","type":"string"}],"Fee":[{"name":"feePayer","type":"string"},{"name":"amount","type":"Coin[]"},{"name":"gas","type":"string"}],"Coin":[{"name":"denom","type":"string"},{"name":"amount","type":"string"}],"Msg":[{"name":"type","type":"string"},{"name":"value","type":"MsgValue"}],"MsgValue":[{"name":"content","type":"any"},{"name":"initial_deposit","type":"TypeAmount[]"},{"name":"proposer","type":"string"}],"TypeAmount":[{"name":"denom","type":"string"},{"name":"amount","type":"string"}]}, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=hash/5.7.0)
at r (injectedScript.bundle.js:formatted:847:41)
Thanks in advance 🙏
I need to create some examples and fix some issues on the submit proposals to make sure that it works. Probably at the end of this week I should be able to do it!
Okay, thank you very much @hanchon. I tried to change the order of the properties of the RLP types, but it didn't work.
I also have the same problem with the message set-withdraw-addr
(whatever the order, it doesn't work either).
I use the below RLP information:
MsgValue: [
{ name: "withdraw_address", type: "string" },
{ name: "delegator_address", type: "string" },
I would like to understand what could be the problem (by the way, I don't use this repository to avoid overloading with dependencies, I have my own EIP712 type file and custom binding logic).
Thanks in advance
@hanchon It would be great to have some examples! I'm trying to get it to work and I'm having a hard time. Opened a question here: https://github.com/evmos/evmosjs/issues/173