Jon Purdy

Results 68 comments of Jon Purdy

That could work, and it’s been done in a few languages, at least Perl6 and Fortress. I just figured it would come out more organised to use names for the...

I have a prototype which parses C headers and extracts declarations of functions and types. I have decided on the following mapping between C types and Kitten data types. ##...

This seems like it would be useful, but I don’t see a good way to make it work. It makes infix desugaring more complicated—in particular, it would depend on type...

> The only thing is missing is a handy way to make a composition tree. I agree with you there. I just don’t think lifting is *necessarily* awkward. As long...

I like where you’re going with that article. One thing to note is that defining `id` as `dup drop` only works for copyable types. Your reference to the visual “generalised...

Yeah, pattern matching as function inversion seems to play nicely with this notation. Kitten’s implementation is pretty simple and obvious. It uses two stacks, one for data (the Kitten stack)...

Source locations would be much more helpful if `Type.setOrigin` were used more liberally & consistently during inference. Essentially, whenever we have a type and we discover that it’s related to...

That looks like it will be useful, thanks! I’m probably not going to change the major structure of the typechecker again for a little while, though. This project is still...

I was considering something like this a few years ago as part of the story for parallel & concurrent programming, as e.g. `\f \g par`, and I’d be happy to...

Here’s my latest thinking on this. Definitions will be private by default. In most circumstances, when we look up a name in the dictionary, we’ll give a vocabulary qualifier representing...