@bnoordhuis Thanks, it helped to move things along a little further. Next problem on next function `download_ninja_gn_binaries` because, repo not contain binaries for BSD systems. I was able to...
@AurelienZintzmeyer Unfortunately, no.
OS? NodeJS version? TARS version?
Я думаю нужно просто выпилить из TARS'а всё, что касается поддержки IE. Если даже кому-то эта фича ещё нужна, в TARS её точно никто поддерживать не будет.
@Form1ca please, update to `nestjs-telegraf` v2.6.2. This problem fixed by @Maks1mS in that version.
Same problem. After change WiFi connection to LAN, mi-aqara plugin can't find devices connected to Xiaomi Gateway. Plugin not send `{"cmd":"get_id_list"}` ``` U -> #70 {"cmd": "whois"}.. #...
GraphQL Compose is just tool for build schema. GraphQL Shield is middleware and they do not overlap or interfere with each other in any way, nor do they require additional...
Not actual, OpenBSD ports already has deno.
> Hi, you could try disabling the `crawler`? @Atinux Unfortunately nothing has changed **UPD:** After all, there was an error in my code... In my case, the problem arose because...
@Hambay thx!