arminject copied to clipboard
An application to dynamically inject a shared object into a running process on ARM architectures.
ARM Inject
An application to dynamically inject a shared object into a running process on ARM architectures and hook API calls.
Read more on:
- Dynamically inject a shared library into a running process on Android/ARM.
- Android Native API Hooking with Library Injection and ELF Introspection
How to Test
In order to test this, you'll need the Android NDK installed and a device connected to your USB port, then simply run:
make test
This will launch a new Chrome browser instance and inject libhook into it. Once injected the library will hook the open function and print every call to it to the logcat.
@ Pushing files to /data/local/tmp ...
@ Starting ...
@ Injection into PID 18233 starting ...
I/LIBHOOK (18233): Found 104 loaded modules.
I/LIBHOOK (18233): Installing 12 hooks.
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [0xA0861000] Hooking /data/app/ ...
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [0xA0A68000] Hooking /data/app/ ...
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [0xAB8A9000] Hooking /system/vendor/lib/egl/ ...
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [0xAB9EC000] Hooking /system/vendor/lib/egl/ ...
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [0xABA20000] Hooking /system/vendor/lib/ ...
I/LIBHOOK (18233): open - 0xb6f31951 -> 0xa446577c
I/LIBHOOK (18233): write - 0xb6f55ec8 -> 0xa4464d5c
I/LIBHOOK (18233): read - 0xb6f56964 -> 0xa4464c70
I/LIBHOOK (18233): close - 0xb6f552e8 -> 0xa4464e54
I/LIBHOOK (18233): connect - 0xb6f30365 -> 0xa44657fc
I/LIBHOOK (18233): sendto - 0xb6f562a0 -> 0xa4465020
I/LIBHOOK (18233): recvfrom - 0xb6f5679c -> 0xa4465318
I/LIBHOOK (18233): shutdown - 0xb6f566ac -> 0xa4465518
I/LIBHOOK (18233): send - 0xb6f33851 -> 0xa4464f28
I/LIBHOOK (18233): recvmsg - 0xb6f560c0 -> 0xa446542c
I/LIBHOOK (18233): sendmsg - 0xb6f55de0 -> 0xa4465134
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 18
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/dev/ashmem' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 18
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/dev/ashmem' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/data/data/', 0) -> 18
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 19
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/dev/ashmem' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 19
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/dev/ashmem' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] read( '/data/data/', 0xb007c00c, 16384 ) -> 655
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/data/data/' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] write( 'pipe:[4020814]', W, 1, 2147483647 ) -> 1
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] write( '(14)', 18306, 5, -1601827487 ) -> 5
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 22
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/dev/ashmem' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 22
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '/dev/ashmem' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '(22)' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] read( '(18)', 0xa0860b6c, 16 ) -> 1
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '(24)' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] close( '(22)' ) -> 0
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] open('/dev/ashmem', 2) -> 22
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] recvfrom( 'socket:[4043146]', nysv, 2400, 64, 0x0, 0 ) -> 24
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] recvfrom( 'socket:[4043146]', nysv, 2400, 64, 0x0, 0 ) -> -1
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] read( '(18)', 0xa0860b6c, 16 ) -> 1
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] write( 'pipe:[4020814]', W, 1, 2147483647 ) -> 1
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] recvfrom( 'socket:[4043184]', , 2264, 64, 0x0, 0 ) -> -1
I/LIBHOOK (18233): [18233] write( 'pipe:[4043980]', W, 1, -1 ) -> 1
@ CTRL+C detected, killing process ...
Most of the ELF manipulation code inside the file hook.cpp of libhook was taken from the Andrey Petrov's blog post "Android hacking: hooking system functions used by Dalvik" and fixed by me ( the original source code didn't work due to page align, memory protection, etc ).
Released under the BSD license.
Copyright © 2015, Simone Margaritelli [email protected]
All rights reserved.