Clive Galway
Clive Galway
This is a limitation of AHK. Ask Lexikos if this can be fixed?
Unit tests of thread scripts would be easier to rig up and debug if everything ran in one thread. Add logic to the thread scripts to decide whether or not...
Maybe Inputs and Outputs should be separate classes, both derived from a common parent. Output class does not need .block, .wild etc Also setting of .IsVirtual for output buttons seems...
If BlockingEnabled is true, then output bindings are marked as blockable, which causes the Block checkbox to appear in the UI for output bindings
Interception, Tobii, vJoy etc DLLs should probably not be in the repo. vJoy DLL should be loaded from Program Files a-la UCR-AHK
Current plan: 1. When [UCR is the active application](, disable all blocking for keyboard and mouse in Subscription Mode 2. Panic Key No special treatment for mouse. Keyboard checks for...
I have bindings in an external assembly (As per the specflow docs [here]( We need this, as we are making a generic library of Step Definitions that can be used...
I see the TempFanTower script in the Post Processing menu, but I don't see how to actually generate and add the model which uses these values. Please advise
It would be nice to be able to programatically enable / disable sending of key events (For a specific key) via an API. Use case: Being able to turn on/off...