wotreplay-parser copied to clipboard
This application failed to start
Dear developer, I got This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows" in ""
error when trying to launch wotreplay-gui.exe
I think everyone gets this error because release distribution missed some files required to run Qt application. It can be solved by including all necessary files in a release so everyone can run the app smoothly.
Full Windows Deployment Tool output
PS C:\Users\User> C:\Qt\Qt5.9.8\5.9.8\msvc2015\bin\windeployqt.exe "C:\Users\User\Desktop\wotreplay-parser-20200609.202453-win32\wotreplay-gui.exe" C:\Users\User\Desktop\wotreplay-parser-20200609.202453-win32\wotreplay-gui.exe 32 bit, release executable Adding Qt5Svg for qsvgicon.dll Direct dependencies: Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets All dependencies : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets To be deployed : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not set. Qt5Core.dll is up to date. Qt5Gui.dll is up to date. Updating Qt5Svg.dll. Qt5Widgets.dll is up to date. Updating libGLESV2.dll. Updating libEGL.dll. Updating D3Dcompiler_47.dll. Updating opengl32sw.dll. Patching Qt5Core.dll... Creating directory C:/Users/User/Desktop/wotreplay-parser-20200609.202453-win32/iconengines. Updating qsvgicon.dll. Creating directory C:/Users/User/Desktop/wotreplay-parser-20200609.202453-win32/imageformats. Updating qgif.dll. Updating qicns.dll. Updating qico.dll. Updating qjpeg.dll. Updating qsvg.dll. Updating qtga.dll. Updating qtiff.dll. Updating qwbmp.dll. Updating qwebp.dll. Creating directory C:/Users/User/Desktop/wotreplay-parser-20200609.202453-win32/platforms. Updating qwindows.dll. Creating C:\Users\User\Desktop\wotreplay-parser-20200609.202453-win32\translations... Creating qt_ar.qm... Creating qt_bg.qm... Creating qt_ca.qm... Creating qt_cs.qm... Creating qt_da.qm... Creating qt_de.qm... Creating qt_en.qm... Creating qt_es.qm... Creating qt_fi.qm... Creating qt_fr.qm... Creating qt_gd.qm... Creating qt_he.qm... Creating qt_hu.qm... Creating qt_it.qm... Creating qt_ja.qm... Creating qt_ko.qm... Creating qt_lv.qm... Creating qt_pl.qm... Creating qt_ru.qm... Creating qt_sk.qm... Creating qt_uk.qm... PS C:\Users\User>
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look on how I can provide a proper package.
Also get this, would be fab if you can include missing DLLs
I've updated the release https://github.com/evido/wotreplay-parser/releases/tag/20200609.222026 with this process.