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What design pattern have you followed when starting with this repo?
Hi, I would love to know what kind of design pattern(s) are being followed, or were taken into account when starting with this repository. Thanks
Hi @omerihtizaz, if you are looking to start with Evidently, here are the two QuickStart tutorials:
- Get Started with Tests and Reports https://docs.evidentlyai.com/get-started/tutorial
- Get Started with ML monitoring https://docs.evidentlyai.com/get-started/tutorial-monitoring
If you are looking for deployment patterns, you can browse the integrations folder: https://github.com/evidentlyai/evidently/tree/main/examples/integrations
Hello @elenasamuylova ,
I think he is asking more specific to SOILD design principles: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/solid-design-principles-in-software-development/
Hello @elenasamuylova. I think @ketangangal is correct, I am looking more specifically to ask around which SOLID design principles did you guys follow when starting with the development of Evidently. Thanks.