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EVIDENCE_SOURCE__<source-name>__ssl__rejectUnauthorized is always resolved to true up during `build sources`
Steps To Reproduce
See slack thread in troubleshooting https://evidencedev.slack.com/archives/C06DG07QQNR/p1705699804790669
This issue occurs on cloud - and @archiewood mentioned on the thread that he was able to reproduce it locally passing these envars
@hughess found that removing the ssl
in the env var name
EVIDENCE_SOURCE__sourcename__ssl__rejectUnauthorized="false" -> EVIDENCE_SOURCE__sourcename__rejectUnauthorized="false"
causes ~the rejectUnauthorized
flag to be picked up~ rejectUnauthorized=true
during npm run sources
I think what’s happening is by default, we set rejectUnauthorized=false
However, when var EVIDENCE_SOURCE__sourcename__ssl__rejectUnauthorized is set, regardless off the value (true/false), we are setting rejectUnauthorized=true
That explains how Sean was able to make it work by "renaming" the variable.
It seems like false values in general might have issues => https://github.com/evidence-dev/evidence/pull/1993/files