Evan Hubinger
Evan Hubinger
Should actually implement the proposed ```python func$(kwd_arg=?) ``` syntax from #323.
Should compile `a @ b` to `_coconut_matmul(a, b)` where ```python def _coconut_matmul(a, b, in_place=False): if in_place and hasattr(a, "__imatmul__"): return a.__imatmul__(b) if hasattr(a, "__matmul__"): return a.__matmul__(b) if hasattr(b, "__rmatmul__"): return...
Should compile ``` x |> (.+1) ``` to ``` x + 1 ```
Should be able to support: ``` listen_for_requests() |> async_map$(handle_request) ```
Should replace the compiler flags with compiler directives at the top of the file. Syntax can be something like: ```python coconut: no_tco ```
If the operands to a `::` call are just variables, we shouldn't be wrapping them in a lazy list.
Should compile ```python addpattern def f(...) = ... ``` into ```python def _unique_name_(...) = ... f = addpattern(f)(_unique_name_) ``` when there are no additional decorators.
The idea is to support [PEP 479](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0479/) on all versions (not just those which support `from __future__ import generator_stop`, which is the current behavior).