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Character industry slots overview
What I am looking for is a page where all my characters are listed, grouped per account and with a column in which corp they are.
Right next to that there would be columns: Manufacturing | Research | Reactions | (others?) Each column shows the following: a number of activily used slots, the maximum number of slots that character has, and the control range in jumps
For example a character with 4 active build jobs, and trained Mass Production V, Advanced Mass Production IV and Supply Chain Management IV would show 4/10/20
This would enable to have a really nice quick overview of which characters have unused build/science/reaction jobs, instead of having to login to them all to check 😄
For the first thing, it's what you already get in All Characters
Related to all / active industry lines, is something on the dashboard suit you enough ?
Yeah the overview of characters exists, but what I wrote was merely the lead-up for the second part
I personally wouldn't do this on the Dashboard, as it would start feel a bit arbitrarily /character/list or even better a subsection/menu option would seem better to me, there are already very sparse menu options atm
I have been using the following query for manufacturing and research slot overview for now via MySQL Workbench, in case anyone else likes using the same quick overview for industry slots
1 + (SELECT cs.trained_skill_level FROM seat.character_skills cs LEFT JOIN seat.invTypes i ON (cs.skill_id = i.typeID) WHERE cs.character_id = AND cs.skill_id IN (3406)) +
(SELECT cs.trained_skill_level FROM seat.character_skills cs LEFT JOIN seat.invTypes i ON (cs.skill_id = i.typeID) WHERE cs.character_id = AND cs.skill_id IN (24624)) AS 'Science Slots',
((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seat.character_industry_jobs cpij WHERE cpij.character_id = AND cpij.activity_id > 1 AND cpij.status = 'active') +
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seat.corporation_industry_jobs coij WHERE coij.installer_id = AND coij.activity_id > 1 AND coij.status = 'active')) AS 'Science Jobs',
1 + (SELECT cs.trained_skill_level FROM seat.character_skills cs LEFT JOIN seat.invTypes i ON (cs.skill_id = i.typeID) WHERE cs.character_id = AND cs.skill_id IN (3387)) +
(SELECT cs.trained_skill_level FROM seat.character_skills cs LEFT JOIN seat.invTypes i ON (cs.skill_id = i.typeID) WHERE cs.character_id = AND cs.skill_id IN (24625)) AS 'Industry Slots',
((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seat.character_industry_jobs cpij WHERE cpij.character_id = AND cpij.activity_id = 1 AND cpij.status = 'active') +
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seat.corporation_industry_jobs coij WHERE coij.installer_id = AND coij.activity_id = 1 AND coij.status = 'active')) AS 'Industry Jobs'
FROM seat.users u
WHERE u.group_id = x