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Ch.5, p.55 - Suble bug in spec

Open olerass opened this issue 11 years ago • 0 comments

The _redirects to contacts#show" test on page 55 has a subtle bug:

it "redirects to contacts#show" do
 post :create, contact: attributes_for(:contact, phones_attributes: @phones)
 expect(response).to redirect_to contact_path(assigns[:contact])

Look at what RSpec will output if ContactsController#create doesn't assign @contact:

2) ContactsController POST #create with valid attributes redirects to contacts#show
     Failure/Error: expect(response).to redirect_to contact_path(nil)
       Expected response to be a redirect to <> but was a redirect to <>.
       Expected "" to be === "".
     # ./spec/controllers/contacts_controller_spec.rb:101:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

This tells us nothing about what the failure is (well, it does as it says contact_path(nil) which hints to the problem, but the message is still confusing). It is misinforming because it says we expect to be redirected to "" but we were redirected to "" which is the correct url.

The problem is subtle. By using contact_path(assigns[:contact]) the test implicitly expects assigns[:contact] to be not nil. The problem is the implicitness; if assigns[:contact] returns nil contact_path(nil) returns /contacts/ which is equivalent to contacts_path. I don't know if this is a bug or a feature in Rails - I don't see why contact_path(nil) should ever be a valid path since you can always use contacts_path instead? Anyway, this is why the test fails with a wrong message.

To solve this one should at least make the assumption explicit by explicitly expecting assigns[:contact] to be not nil:

it "redirects to contacts#show" do
  post :create, contact: attributes_for(:contact, phones_attributes: @phones)

  assigned_contact = assigns(:contact)
  >> expect(assigned_contact).to_not be_nil <<
  expect(response).to redirect_to contact_path(assigned_contact)

This test will fail in the correct way when @contact isn't assigned and also expresses the intent better.

A related question is whether expecting @contact to be not nil is good enough. Do we not want to test that it's assigned the correct contact and not just any contact? For example with a test like this:

it "assigns the new contact to @contact" do
  contact_attrs = attributes_for(:contact)
  post :create, contact: contact_attrs

  assigned_contact = assigns(:contact)
  expect(assigned_contact).to_not be_nil 
  expect(assigned_contact.attributes).to include(contact_attrs.stringify_keys)

Note that this doesn't test for correctness of phones - I couldn't figure out how to do that.

Book version: 2013-10-29 (PDF)

olerass avatar Nov 02 '13 13:11 olerass