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Next gen DApps where you don't need to develop your frontend

Table of Content

  • Table of Content
  • What is a DeBot?
    • Basic terms
    • DeBot interfaces
  • Prerequisites
    • everdev
    • Tonos-cli
  • DeBots
  • How to try DeBot
  • Write your first DeBot
    • How to build DeBot
    • How to deploy
      • Deploy to TON OS SE
  • How to Run
    • Run DeBot in Surf
      • DevNet
      • Free TON
    • Run DeBot in tonos-cli
      • TON OS SE
      • DevNet
      • Free TON
      • DEBUG Mode
  • Further Reading

What is a DeBot?

DeBot (Decentralized Bot) is an intuitive, no-prior-knowledge-required interface for smart contracts on TON Blockchain.

Blockchain technology is complex and can be hard to learn for users without experience in the field or a technical background. With DeBots we aim to simplify the interactions required to achieve a user’s goals on the blockchain, and streamline the development process of blockchain-based services, while maintaining the level of security expected of such products.

At its most basic a DeBot is a secure chat-based interface that allows a user to interact with a smart contract on the blockchain and access its various functions in the form of a dialogue.

Basic terms

  • DeBot - a smart contract facilitating conversation-like flow communication with a target smart contract.
  • Target smart contract - a smart contract for which DeBot is created. DeBot is an interface to this smart contract.
  • DeBot browser - a program that executes DeBot and parses its answer using DeBot protocol.
  • DeBot protocol - a set of rules describing the communication between browser and DeBot: how to call DeBot functions and how to interpret its answers.

DeBot is deployed to the blockchain. DeBot browser runs on client. It downloads DeBot code and runs it inside the engine.

DeBot interfaces

To fulfill their functions as a user interface DeBots must be able to facilitate a number of interactions between the user, the user's device and the target smart contract on the blockchain:

  • receive input from users;
  • query info about other smart contracts;
  • query transactions and messages;
  • receive data from external subsystems (like file system) and external devices (like NFC, camera and so on);
  • call external function libraries that allow to do operations that are not supported by VM. For example, work with json, convert numbers to string and vice versa, encrypt/decrypt/sign data.

These needs are covered in various DeBot Interfaces (DInterfaces) which can be used in DeBots and which must be supported in DeBot Browsers.

To use an interface DeBot should import source file with DInterface declaration and call its methods as any other smart contract methods in TON - by sending internal messages to interface address, which is unique and explicitly defined for every interface.

Every DInterface must be discussed and accepted by DeBot Interface Specifications (DIS) Consortium before it can be used in DeBots. All accepted interfaces are published in the repo:



To build DeBots install everdev:

npm install -g everdev


To run and debug debots install tonos-cli:

Note: minimal required version >= 0.11.4.

Install using everdev:

everdev tonos-cli install

Or download binaries from here:


  • helloworld - Hello World DeBot. Can be used as a template for new DeBots.
  • multisig - DeBot for multisignature wallet. Uses several basic DeBot interfaces: Terminal, AddressInput, AmountInput, ConfirmInput. It supports all functions of the multisig wallet contract, such as submitting and confirming transactions and viewing wallet information.

How to try DeBot

You can start by trying out multisig DeBot. It's already deployed to and can be called through any DeBot browser that supports it.

To try it out in TON Surf, go to

To try it out in tonos-cli call:

./tonos-cli --url debot fetch 0:09403116d2d04f3d86ab2de138b390f6ec1b0bc02363dbf006953946e807051e

If you do not have a multisig wallet to try it out with, you can use the following test wallet address and seed phrase:

address: 0:5d3d540ebeb545be95ad05e22efc0ad3cb2e0172884fba2cedfde445ef16ebf9
seed phrase: final axis aware because grace sort giant defy dragon blouse motor virus

Please don't empty out its balance, so others can try it out too.

Write your first DeBot

You can start from the helloworld DeBot. It can be used as a template for new DeBots.

It uses only the Terminal interface (prints string, receives string from user and prints the received value).

To use any additional interfaces, their source files have to be imported along with Terminal. Accepted interfaces can be found here.

How to build DeBot

DeBot can be built as any other smart contract using everdev:

everdev sol compile debot.sol

How to deploy

Deploy to TON OS SE

Start TON OS SE:

`everdev se start`

(docker required)

Run deploy script inside DeBot folder:

How to Run

Run DeBot in Surf


Open the link:<address>&net=devnet

Free TON

Open the link:<address>

Run DeBot in tonos-cli


./tonos-cli --url debot fetch <address>


./tonos-cli --url debot fetch <address>

Free TON

./tonos-cli --url debot fetch <address>


./tonos-cli debot --debug fetch <address>

Note: debug mode generates a lot of terminal output.

Further Reading

DeBot specifications can be found here: