UIKit copied to clipboard
UI components kit
UI components for react-native
Install UIKit packages
npx lerna bootstrap && npx lerna run prepare
Run Quiver UI application on web
npm run web
yarn web
Run Quiver UI application on mobile
Move to the Example
folder cd Example
Install pods for iOS or run npm run reinstall
or yarn reinstall
to do it automatically
npm run start
yarn start
Open Example/ios
folder in XCode, build and run.
Open Example/android
folder in Android Studio, build and run.
Publish UIKit packages
npx lerna publish --no-private
Releasing Quiver UI application
It might be necessary to install npx
globally, if you still haven't just run:
npm install -g npx
This project has some sensitive data including configuration keys and keystore object. To encrypt it we use git-secret. A recommended way to install it on Mac is using Homebrew:
brew install git-secret
N.B. Before making a release build, please ensure you have an access to encrypted data by giving your GPG public key and a USER_ID (such as a key ID, a full fingerprint, an email address, or anything else that uniquely identifies that key to GPG) to any project contributor who can provide such an access.
If pod install fails with Flipper-Glog dependency try
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app