Evert Pot

Results 90 issues of Evert Pot


In order to make it easier for users to use CKAN api's, it might be nice if a standard link would be defined, that can appear on portal homepages. 2...

Hi! I loved your article and this archive. I have a similar history with Neko and also wrote an article: https://evertpot.com/neko/ I hope it's ok i used some of your...

Hi @sidorares ! I was curious if there's an interest in a total typescript conversion of this project. I started this as an exercise/experiment and noticed the code is hella...


What a great project! Doesn't just let me browse https sites from Win98, but also seems to speed everything up quite a bit. When hitting URLs from archive.org, like :...

# Describe the bug I got the following error pressing F2 in insert mode: ```E5108: Error executing lua ...cal/share/nvim/plugged/renamer.nvim/lua/renamer/init.lua:274: attempt to index local 'p' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...cal/share/nvim/plugged/renamer.nvim/lua/renamer/init.lua:274:...
