react-native-super-ellipse-mask copied to clipboard
Not working in android
It is not working in android . i had try to add it mannualy ,
in app build.gradle
compile project(':react-native-super-ellipse-mask') in Setting.gradle
include ':react-native-super-ellipse-mask' project(':react-native-super-ellipse-mask').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-super-ellipse-mask/android')
but throwing error
Failed to resolve: project :react-native-super-ellipse-mask Open File
help me to solve this , library is working fine as expacted in IOS
Hi @Tufan21,
This library not working on Android is no surprise since i haven't implemented the support from the beginning. (see
I'm sorry but i have zero experience building native modules for Android. 🙁 If you are willing to, you can contribute to this repo by opening a Pull Request with some branch of yours that integrates the native code needed for Android platforms.