Morning Robert, Thanks, I tested it and it works. My bad, I assumed it worked on controller or zone level. I wonder if there is merit in changing service name...
Thanks Robert. Agree with the two service calls, makes sense. And it would be easy to create a `toggle` one (myself) if needed by calling the `pause` and `resume` if...
Thanks Robert, currently traveling will test over weekend when back. Thanks a lot.
Hi Robert, Thanks - that is working perfectly. A few things to consider (or not) before final release: - [ ] Inherit pause/resume icon on master entity (controller). The pause/resume...
Hi Robert, one other thing that I would recommend: When a controller is paused via `0=all,` its status changes to `'off'` whereas the underlying sequence(s) status is changed to `'paused'`....
Hi Robert, here is some code that creates a play/resume button for all controllers. I am using a `GROUP` which actually works well on your service call `ui.pause` and `ui.resume`...
Sorry Robert to bother again - it seems there was a case just now where the main controller's attribute `{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.irrigation_unlimited_c3_m', 'status') }}` has the value `'paused'` which normally does...
Best is to change the above yaml code for paused sensors from: ``` {% set paused_sensors = states.binary_sensor | selectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'irrigation_unlimited_c') | selectattr('attributes.status', 'equalto', 'paused') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list...
Morning Robert, from my side (after changing above Jinja code to use regex) I am fine as I am now only checking on possible pause status on sequences. So if...
Will do feature request on card and also update the documentation least I can do to support your great work. Give me a day or two. Thanks Martin