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Ever® Teams™ - Open Work and Project Management Platform - https://ever.team
The user should be able to collapse all nested options in 'Personal' tab
The user should be able to collapse all nested options in 'Team' tab
The user should be able to select/change the Team color Here should be used library for colors (it might be similar to that is used for Status, Labels etc) Note:...
The user should be able to set emoji for a Team Note: Library should be used (in other features the emoji will be used as well)
In Team Settings, users can switch on/off the Status-Automation feature to ease usage of the real status of tasks **Important:** These settings are available for Managers / Owners, for other...
Tasks have two option - Public (default - everyone can see) - Privat (only a restricted group of team members can see it - can be set on the task...
By Default on the task can be assigned to multiple assignees Manages can set only one assignee per task
The option that helps have an estimate of the task made by a group of team-invited members
Switch on / off option in Estimation in Hours **Note:** If Estimation in Hours is ON, Story Points is OFF **Note:** Only the Manager can enable/disable