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Ever® Teams™ - Open Work and Project Management Platform - https://ever.team
The bug randomly happens when the user is trying to go back to the main page from the profile page Case how it might be reproduced: - Add task to...
Estimated Hours for Task lose focus on Edit mode and it difficult to Add/edit Task Estimated hour
During plan creation, it is not always convenient to force a user to provide estimates so that the user can plan tasks without estimation and planned work hours. The main...
From a quick search, I found those: 1. https://github.com/jquense/react-big-calendar (https://jquense.github.io/react-big-calendar/examples/index.html?path=/story/about-big-calendar--page) - seems modern and think we can style it as we want 2. https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar-react - this one is VERY popular...
Clarify with @evereq tab 'Outstanding' should contain collapsed plans and display all tasks that were not completed The only concern if it should contain tasks split per Plans? (like on...
The issue is that the pre-selected workspace and team are not "persistent". When all cookies and browser local storage are cleaned, the user can't have the last selected team and...
- When the 'Worked' table is selected on the Profile Page and we navigate to the Home Page, if we expand the Team Member Card, we see the activity (Working...
Issue : When navigate to a new page, sometimes, it takes too long (Next.js build the page) and the user can be confused, don't know if the page is loading...
When the user is about to create a new issue the system should always remember the latest type of issue. Example: When the user creates the very first issue in...