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A kitchen-sink style bot for Discord written in Rust with the Serenity library.


A feature-packed bot for Discord servers, written in Rust with Serenity and various other libraries.

Invite Ellie License Dependency Status GitHub Actions Build Status

Welcome to the official GitHub / GitLab repository for Ellie, a bot for the Discord chat platform written in Rust with the serenity library, as well as various other libraries. It should be noted that this project is still in a heavy Work-In-Progress state, however there are still a pretty robust set of commands implemented so far, including a near-complete suite of voice commands, which I am very happy with. This project will be continulously improved and updated with more commands and features, so please keep an eye on this repository for any new features and updates, as well as the changelog.



Alright, before we can get Ellie up and running, we'll need to install a couple pieces of software in order for Ellie to actually build and run. This will depend on your operating system, be it either Windows, macOS or Linux. On Windows, this means you'll need Visual Studio 2019 installed, be it either the full IDE (Community, Professional, or Enterprise work fine) or just the Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools, and Rust itself. On macOS, you will need the Xcode Developer Tools, as it includes the system compiler (clang) necessary to build Rust programs and libraries, or you could also go with simply installing Rust through the homebrew tool. On Linux, you don't need to install anything in most cases, as most Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Fedora already have the gcc toolchain installed, however if desired this can be switched to the same clang compiler as macOS by installing it through your respective package manager, or through homebrew as well.

Across all operating systems, however, you will need to install the PostgreSQL database server, version 13 or later, as that is required for the database. For the voice functionalities provided by Ellie, you will need Opus, FFmpeg, youtube-dl, as well as a Lavalink-compatible voice server, e.g. Lavalink or Andesite, meaning you will also need Python and Java. Version 15 of the AdoptOpenJDK distribution is recommended, with the OpenJ9 runtime being a good option. For Python, version 3.2 or better work fine, however Python 3.9.1 or later is recommended as newer versions of Python perform faster. Version 2.6 or 2.7 are NOT, and I mean ARE NOT, supported. They are supported by the youtube-dl tool, but I will provide absolutely ZERO support for these, as they are EOL and completely unsupported, even by the Python Software Foundation.

All in all, you will need the following prerequisites for Ellie to build and run:

  • Visual Studio 2019 / Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools (Windows (non-WSL) only)
  • PostgreSQL, version 13 or later
  • Opus 1.3.1 or later
  • FFmpeg 3.4.8 or later
  • youtube-dl
  • Lavalink / Andesite
  • AdoptOpenJDK 15 or later (OpenJ9 runtime)
  • Python, version 3.2 or later
  • Rust, preferably version 1.48 or later


TODO: Add instructions for Java, Python, and other dependencies (for both Windows and WSL)

To install Visual Studio 2019, or the Visual Studio 2019 build tools, please visit the website for Visual Studio, which can be accessed by clicking here, hover over the Download Visual Studio button on the tile for Visual Studio, and selecting any given edition. If you have a license for either Professional or Enterprise, select either of those, but if you do not, the Community works fine too. Or, if you would just like to install the Build Tools instead of installing the entire IDE, you can visit this URL, scroll down to the All Downloads section, expand the "Tools for Visual Studio 2019" section, and click the Download button next to Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019.

Next, we will need to install the rustup tool, which allows us to very easily manage Rust toolchain installations as well as easily update Rust when new versions are available. To download the tool, visit the website for the Rust programming language, located here, or the Rustup website, located here, and select the 64-bit executable file to begin the process of initializing the Rustup utility.

With Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2

Installing Rust in the Windows Subsystem for Linux is even easier, and doesn't require Visual Studio 2019, or the Build Tools, as the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) is more than likely already installed for you. To install Rust, just run the following command in a WSL terminal window and follow any instructions that are provided to you:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Rust may also be provided in the respective Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution you are using, however this is not recommended, as the version of Rust available in the distribution's package repositories may be significantly outdated, due to the nature of Ubuntu, Debian, and other non-rolling Linux distributions preferring to wait until new distribution versions to update their packages to new major versions. For example, Ubuntu still has Rust 1.43.0 in their package repositories, a version that was released in April of 2020, despite Rust 1.48.0 being the current stable version available, and installing Rust through your system's package manager also removes the ability to have multiple Rust toolchains installed, which rustup provides, among other features.

Advanced Notes

To install rustup, rustc, and cargo to a different folder than the default, create both the RUSTUP_HOME and the CARGO_HOME system environment variables under the System Properties window in Windows, under Advanced. The rustup tool does not currently offer a user-friendly way of changing the instal location, but this is an option if you would like to install Rust to e.g., a different drive.

TODO: Add macOS and Linux install instructions

Installing the Bot

Now, we can actually download Ellie and set her up. This step 100% requires Git, as that is how we will be downloading her.

git clone https://github.com/KamranMackey/Ellie.git

If you'd like to use GitLab for the cloning process instead of GitHub, you can do that too. Just use the following command instead to clone from Ellie's GitLab mirror.

git clone https://gitlab.com/KamranMackey/Ellie.git

Alright, now let's cd into the download directory where we downloaded Ellie to. This works across any and all operating systems, including Windows.

cd Ellie

Now we can install Ellie's dependencies. On Windows, you will need to install the windows-build-tools package using npm, as Windows does not natively include build tools like Linux does. For macOS, just install Xcode and the commandline tools.

Non-release variant (unoptimized, with debug symbols)

cargo build

Release variant (optimized, without debug symbols)

cargo build --release

Just be patient while this process completes. It may take a while to complete, depending on your Internet speed as well as the speed of your system's SSD and/or hard drive.

Configuring the Bot

This section is currently out of date. This section will be updated soon.

Now we can set up Ellie. You will need to go to the developers site for Discord, and create a new application. You can do this by going here, logging in, and selecting "Create an application" on the main page, and filling in the neccessary information. Once you have successfully created an application, click on your application's card. Now, we'll have to create a "Bot user" for the application. You can do this by selecting "Bot" on the left hand column, under OAuth2, and clicking "Add Bot". This will add a bot user to your application.

Now, for the fun part! Let's grab the bot's token. You can do this by clicking the "Click to reveal token" button underneath the Username field on the bot page. Copy the token given to you. Now, in the bot's root directory, rename config.sample.toml to config.toml, and open the file. Paste the token into the token field. While you have the file open, you may want to take this opportunity to enter your Discord user ID in the "owner" field so you can use any owner-only commands that have been added, as well as any API keys and usernames and passwords you'd like. I should note though that there is currently no error catching implemented in any commands right now, so if you forget to add API keys or usernames/passwords, you will encounter an error when trying to run the respective commands, so that's why I strongly suggest doing so.

Now, we are pretty much done. Now, onto the final step, which is actually running Ellie.

Running the Bot

You have reached the final step of the install instructions. You're almost there. You just have to build the bot and then start her up.

cargo run # (--release if you want to run the optimized variant)

Congratulations! You have (hopefully) successfully installed and set up Ellie, and you can now add the bot to any guild you'd like. (if you have the permission to of course)


Ellie is licensed under the terms of the MIT License, a fairly unrestrictive license that gives you the power to do mostly anything you want with this project, and is one of two licenses used by the Rust project itself alongside version 2.0 of the Apache License, meaning that this software should be 100% compatible. The full contents of the MIT license are written in the LICENSE file, in the root project directory. Please read it in full to understand your full rights with regards to this software.