UnrealOpenPose icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UnrealOpenPose copied to clipboard

ue4 editor plugin for openpose: https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose

UE4 4.19.2&UE4 4.20.2 + VS2015 community update3 + cuda 8.0 + cudnn 5.1 + WIN10 + openpose 1.3

完整工程下载:https://share.weiyun.com/5khmimQ 1:你需要拷贝下载里的models&ThirdParty到本插件里才能使用此插件. 2:点击ToolBar上的UrealOP按钮,会弹出识别窗口 UE4的内存管理和std容器不兼容,并且openpose目前不能打包静态库,所以需要做一个dll(OpenPoseForUnreal.dll)std相关的代码全放在此dll中.Dll必须是release版本

ue4 full project download link(include models& ThirdParty):https://share.weiyun.com/5khmimQ 1:to use this plugin ,you need to copy models&ThirdParty folder from download first 2:click UnrealOP button on toolbar in editor,will show the result.

the memory manager of ue4 is incompability with std container and shared_ptr.because openpose can not build as a static library, you have to make a dll(OpenPoseForUnreal.dll) as a wrapper for ue4. u should put codes with std into the dll.dll must be release version.