evcc copied to clipboard
Draws from grid when house battery not full and 1p charge (maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging)
Describe the bug
Not totally sure if bug or my situation is really an edge case.
I have : go-e 3P charger, 1p AC charged Nissan Leaf 2018, Deye 3p Hybrid 8kW (3kW AC output per phase), 7,5kWp PV, HA When PV produces more than the inverter can output on one phase (3kW+) and the house battery is not full and the 1p car is charing then it will pull from the grid the remaining needed charging power. e.g. PV produces 7kW , then the inverter will supply 3kW to the charger and 4kW into the house battery and will draw 4kW from grid on the charging phase. I though using maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 50 would fix the issue and make the car load with maximum possible power without drawing more than 50W from grid. But the result is that it switches back and forth from a low max current to a higher max current.
When the house battery if full, the inverter will send the excess current not in battery but to the other phase of the grid and "balance" the import on the other phase => 0 costs calculated by the grid meter.
Steps to reproduce
- Have house battery not full
- Have 1p charging AC car
- Have inverter that outputs less on one phase AC than there is total DC available
- Set evcc to charge with solar only
- set maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 50
- Have PV that generates more than inverter can output on one phase
- Charge the car and watch the house grid meter
- The grid meter shows that on the charing phase it draws power from grid to match the current set by evcc -> KO
- Charge house battery till full
- Now watch the grid meter again - inverter will export current on one phase to balance the import on another phase which results the grid meter to stay at ~0 (no import and no export overall calculated and thus no grid costs) -> OK
Configuration details
# for home assistant
# open evcc at http://evcc.local:7070
schema: http
host: evcc.local # .local suffix announces the hostname on MDNS
port: 7070
log: info
cache: error
# unique installation id
plant: xxx
interval: 30s # control cycle interval
broker: core-mosquitto:1883
user: xxx
password: xxx
- type: custom
name: grid
source: mqtt
topic: SUNSYNK/status/2210249218/grid_power
source: mqtt
topic: SUNSYNK/status/2210249218/day_grid_import
# currents:
# - source: mqtt
# topic: deye/ac/l1/current
# - source: mqtt
# topic: deye/ac/l2/current
# - source: mqtt
# topic: deye/ac/l3/current
- type: custom
name: pv1
source: mqtt
topic: SUNSYNK/status/2210249218/pv1_power
- type: custom
name: pv2
source: mqtt
topic: SUNSYNK/status/2210249218/pv2_power
- type: custom
name: battery
source: mqtt
topic: SUNSYNK/status/2210249218/battery_soc
source: mqtt
topic: SUNSYNK/status/2210249218/battery_power
capacity: 9.6
- type: template
template: go-e
host: 192.168.xx.xx
name: go-eCharger
- type: template
template: carwings
title: Nissan Leaf 2018
icon: car
user: xxx
password: xxx
vin: xxx
capacity: 40
phases: 1
cache: 60m
# onIdentify:
# mode: pv
# minSoc: 20
# targetSoc: 80
# minCurrent: 6
# maxCurrent: 32
name: nissan
- title: Garage
charger: go-eCharger
mode: pv
# resetOnDisconnect: true
vehicle: nissan
title: My home
grid: grid
- pv1
- pv2
- battery
residualPower: 100
maxGridSupplyWhileBatteryCharging: 50
# batteryDischargeControl: true
currency: EUR # (default EUR)
# static grid price
#type: fixed
#price: 0.3246
#price: 0.2367 # [currency]/kWh tibber 1ste Monat
type: tibber
token: xxx
homeid: "xxx"
# rate for feeding excess (pv) energy to the grid
type: fixed
price: 0.082 # [currency]/kWh
type: grünstromindex
zip: xxxxx
Log details
Log when house battery not full (draws from grid)
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 charge power: 1840W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 charge currents: [8.3 0.1 0.1]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 pv power: 4718W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 battery power: -2095W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 grid meter: 6W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 site power: -1989W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 charge voltages: [219 221 222]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 pv charge current: 16.6A = 8A + 8.65A (-1989W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:09 max charge current: 16A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 charge power: 3670W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 charge currents: [16.4 0 0.1]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 pv power: 4785W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 battery power: -892W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 grid meter: 773W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 site power: 873W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 charge voltages: [219 221 222]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 pv charge current: 12.2A = 16A + -3.8A (873W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:05:39 max charge current: 12A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 charge power: 2690W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 charge currents: [11.9 0 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 pv power: 4728W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 battery power: -1022W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 grid meter: 17W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 site power: -905W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 charge voltages: [220 221 222]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 pv charge current: 15.9A = 12A + 3.93A (-905W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:09 max charge current: 15A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 charge power: 3390W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 charge currents: [15.1 0.1 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 pv power: 4940W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 battery power: -1096W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 grid meter: 586W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 site power: 686W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 charge voltages: [219 220 221]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 pv charge current: 12A = 15A + -2.98A (686W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:06:39 max charge current: 12A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 charge power: 2710W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 charge currents: [12.1 0.1 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 pv power: 5149W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 battery power: -1425W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 grid meter: 13W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 site power: -1312W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 charge voltages: [219 221 222]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 pv charge current: 17.7A = 12A + 5.7A (-1312W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:09 max charge current: 17A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 charge power: 3830W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 charge currents: [17.2 0 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 pv power: 5143W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 battery power: -1255W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 grid meter: 993W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 site power: 1093W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 charge voltages: [219 221 221]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 pv charge current: 12.2A = 17A + -4.75A (1093W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:07:39 max charge current: 12A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 charge power: 2690W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 charge currents: [12 0 0.1]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 pv power: 5149W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 battery soc: 91%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 battery power: -1457W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 grid meter: 9W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 site power: -1348W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 charge voltages: [219 221 221]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 charge total import: 1763.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 soc estimated: 18.00% (vehicle: 18.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 vehicle soc: 18%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 vehicle range: 42km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 pv charge current: 17.9A = 12A + 5.86A (-1348W @ 1p)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:09 max charge current: 17A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:08:39 ----
Log when house battery full (does not draw from grid)
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 charge power: 4220W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 charge currents: [19 0 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 pv power: 5498W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 battery soc: 100%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 battery power: 1W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 grid meter: -213W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 site power: -112W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 charge voltages: [217 219 221]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 !! session: chargeRater.chargedEnergy=2.0 - chargedAtStartup=0.0
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 charge total import: 1765.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 soc estimated: 23.25% (vehicle: 21.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 vehicle soc: 23%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 vehicle range: 49km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:09 pv charge current: 19.5A = 19A + 0.489A (-112W @ 1p)
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 charge power: 4220W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 charge currents: [18.9 0.1 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 pv power: 5498W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 battery soc: 100%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 battery power: 1W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 grid meter: -213W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 site power: -112W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 charge voltages: [218 219 220]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 !! session: chargeRater.chargedEnergy=2.0 - chargedAtStartup=0.0
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 charge total import: 1765.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 soc estimated: 23.25% (vehicle: 21.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 vehicle soc: 23%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 vehicle range: 49km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:50:39 pv charge current: 19.5A = 19A + 0.489A (-112W @ 1p)
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 ----
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 charge power: 4260W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 charge currents: [19.1 0 0]A
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 pv power: 5428W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 battery soc: 100%
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 battery power: 0W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 grid meter: -225W
[site ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 site power: -125W
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 charge voltages: [218 220 220]V
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 detected connected phases: 3p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 detected active phases: 1p
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 !! session: chargeRater.chargedEnergy=2.0 - chargedAtStartup=0.0
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 charge total import: 1765.000kWh
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 charger status: C
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 soc estimated: 23.25% (vehicle: 21.00%)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 vehicle soc: 23%
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 vehicle range: 49km
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 !! active phases: 1p = min(1p measured 1p vehicle 3p physical 0p charger)
[lp-1 ] DEBUG 2024/08/05 12:51:09 pv charge current: 19.5A = 19A + 0.542A (-125W @ 1p)
What type of operating system are you running?