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Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby

Results 11 benchmark-ips issues
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reopening #89 - you can set this up to output to stdout or a string. Sorry to jump the gun and close this. The introduction of these extra methods in...

While working on #113 I noticed the test suite here is really slow: Has anyone looked into this? ``` ruby -Ilib:test:. -w -e 'require "minitest/autorun"; require "test/test_benchmark_ips.rb"' -- --profile Run...


It would be nice, to have a way to capture the output to a String in order to print it or send it to an external service, like Bugsnag. Also...


Hello there! Thanks a lot for `benchmark-ips` :) Today I was using it for a few tests and noticed that whenever the percentage of standard deviation shows up in the...


Showerthought. The reason why benchmark/ips is so great is it helps us to set and decide on what would otherwise be pretty arbitrary parameters for benchmarks - particularly of course...


The idea is to run the item until the cycles per 100ms timing is within 1% of the previous run. This means that the default is still 2 seconds like...

Closes #133 Any feedback welcome, especially from @zenspider

Within the code, `Benchmark::IPS.options[:width] = 40` or via the OS env `IPS_WIDTH=40 ruby my_benchmark.rb` Closes #131

I have to look up Benchmark.ips EVERY time and the (ri) doco is [still a PITA]( Pls consider a simple top level driver method like so: ```ruby def quick_bench_ips(*methods, warm:nil,...


``` 8687 % g -w 20 lib/benchmark/ips/report.rb 95: left.ljust(20) + (" - %s in %10.6fs" % [iters, runtime]) 97: left.ljust(20) + (" - %s" % iters) 103: left.ljust(20) + ("...
