Evan Elias
Evan Elias
I've just submitted a new pull request #548 which adds auto-population of `ssh.ClientConfig.HostKeyAlgorithms`, based on the known_hosts entries for the git remote host. Seems to work properly and solve this...
Thank you for the issue report! I believe the full fix will be substantially more complicated than just changing that one line though. It depends on if/how system versioning attributes...
Thanks, that's good to learn. Realistically, since system-versioned tables are only in MariaDB and not MySQL, prioritization will depend on whether more MariaDB folks start using Skeema :)
18446744073709551615 is 2^64-1, which exceeds the max value of a *signed* BIGINT. @kwburgess, are you getting a WARNING after that insert? What `sql_mode` are you using? (try `SELECT @@session.sql_mode, @@global.sql_mode`...
Looks like two separate problems here? The diff verification error is referring to table `cc`, while the error in `SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS` is referring to table `status_workflow`. In table...
After thinking about this more: although there's nothing Skeema can do to fix the root problem, it could at least generate a more informative error message in this specific case...
Thank you for the feature request. There's some previous discussion along these lines in https://github.com/skeema/skeema/issues/22#issuecomment-459907251 a while back. There are still some open questions from that thread, and I'd welcome...
Thank you for the feature request. I agree this could be useful for anyone who prefers using a non-Dockerized mysqld for handling workspace operations. A few implementation notes: * The...
I haven't given this one much thought yet. The feature design will depend on the use-cases it covers. As a starting point, can you tell me a bit more about...
Makes sense, thanks! Currently there are some possible workarounds, but they're awkward, as they require executing `skeema` multiple times (once per database instance): a) Use a different environment name for...