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Simple django-based personal budgeting app that sources data from GNUCash sqlite data files

#Open Budget

Simple django-based personal budgeting app that uses GNUCash sqlite data files.

#Motivation This project serves two main purposes:

  1. get data out of gnucash and into the django framework to allow for more flexible analysis eg: using the numpy maths library

  2. implement basic budget functionality to allow a flexible budgeted vs actual report

GNUCash works as a good tool for data entry and standard accounting reports like balance sheets and profit & loss. However, report customisation is overly complicated and the budget functionality poor. This project aims to address these issues.


  • basic structure implemented - a gnucash file can be used to import accounts, transactions and splits


$  git clone git:// openbudget
$  cd openbudget
$  pip install -r requirements/development.txt

If fabric is installed:

$  fab development syncdb
$  fab development migratedb


$  ./ syncdb --settings=openbudget.settings_local
$  ./ schemamigration openbudgetapp --settings=openbudget.settings_local


##Running the server

If fabric is installed:

$  fab development runserver


$  ./ runserver --settings=openbudget.settings_local

Access the admin interface at:

##Importing a gnucash file

Save your GNUCash file as a sqlite3 file.

$ ./ gnucash-import <gnucash sql file> --settings=openbudget.settings_local

##Creating budgets

  • Access the admin interface at: and create or edit AccountBudget objects.

  • Budgets are specified as a total value over a given period.

  • Total amounts will be spread daily over a given analysis period for reporting eg: a yearly budget value will be converted to 365 daily values which will then be multiplied by the number of days in a given month for a monthly report

##The Budget Report

  • Access at

  • and specify the analysis period and should be in YYYYMMDD format

  • Depth specifies the depth of the account tree to report on.

  • Freq will define the analysis grouping. Use 'm' or monthly groups, 'q' for quarterly groups and 'y' for annual groups

  • For best results, the report should be produced over 6 periods eg: 6 years or 6 quarters or 6 months


  • pip:

    $ easy_install pip

  • To use the fabfile and fab commands:

    $ pip install fabric