Gert Goet
Gert Goet
Removed draft, curious what you think @borkdude!
> Is there a reason why you keep force-pushing this branch? Mainline was changed, so I updated - Sorry for the noise, I'll make new commits going fw.
Sure take your time - it was indeed not meant to 'poke' you, just to keep the patch in shape (I'm testdriving it in a project as well, so finding...
Thanks for taking a look. I agree it does a lot and this might all just remain a sketch... That said, I took another look and pruned...: * removed the...
> I meant, a similar lib with a similar function as the one you're proposing. I'm not aware of any in `f.el`, Node's `"fs"` library etc, but happy to find...
Do you have any code that demonstrates the issue? (even better: a failing test)
While an easy option (for us), I think it's better in this case to not ship a transitive dependency for downstream users. Something the most [popular gems using warning-gem]( also...
I think accepting ssl_context_params as value for `enable_(ssl|starttls)` is somewhat opaque. It's also different from how smtp is configured. As of branch `2-8-stable` this is the situation: ``` | goal...
> All of those parser files are generated by `rake ragel`, so modifying them by hand is not a good idea in my opinion. @skipkayhil you're right, closing this one.