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Manipulation of geographical and statistical data in Java, with a focus on Eurostat data
JGiscoTools is a Java library for the manipulation of geospatial and statistical data, with a focus on European data produced by Eurostat and Eurostat-GISCO. The main functionalities are listed here
JGiscoTools is mainly based on GeoTools, JTS Topology Suite and java4eurostat libraries.
Quick start
To load geographical features from a GeoPackage, a Shapefile or a GeoJSON file, use:
Collection<Feature> featuresGPKG = GeoData.getFeatures("C:/myFile.gpkg");
Collection<Feature> featuresSHP = GeoData.getFeatures("C:/myFile.shp");
Collection<Feature> featuresGEOJSON = GeoData.getFeatures("C:/myFile.geojson");
A Feature
object has an identifier, a geometry and some attributes. This information can be accessed with:
//load features
Collection<Feature> features = ...;
//print number of features
//go through features
for(Feature f : features) {
//print the feature identifier
//print the feature geometry
//print the feature geometry area
//print the feature geometry length
//print the attribute names
//print the attribute "myAttribute1"
//print the attribute "myAttribute2"
A Feature
object can be modified directly. See for example how to change an attribute value and change the geometry with a buffer of 10m distance:
Feature f = ...
f.setAttribute("myAttribute1", "new value");
f.setGeometry( f.getGeometry().buffer(10) );
To save data as a GeoPackage, a Shapefile or a GeoJSON file, use:
GeoData.save(features, "C:/myFile.gpkg", crs);
GeoData.save(features, "C:/myFile.shp", crs);
GeoData.save(features, "C:/myFile.geojson", crs);
The CRS (Coordinate Reference System) has to be specified, either from an input dataset, or from its EPSG code:
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = GeoData.getCRS("C:/myFile.gpkg");
CoordinateReferenceSystem crsEPSG = CRS.decode("EPSG:3035")
More information
JGiscoTools uses Apache Maven. To use JGiscoTools, add it as a dependency to the pom.xml file:
Where X.Y.Z is the current version number, as available Maven central repository.
For more information on how to setup a coding environment based on Eclipse, see this page.
See the Javadoc API.
JGiscoTools allows:
- Manipulation and transformation of vector geographical data such as clustering, generalisation, deformation, filtering, edge matching and partitionning.
- Generalisation of geographical tesselations such as administrative units.
- Production of gridded datasets in various GIS formats.
- Detection of the differences between two versions of a same dataset.
- Routing and accessibility computation. (TODO document)
- Automatic production statistical maps (with a focus on maps based on Eurostat data and NUTS regions). (TODO document)
- Various analyses based on NUTS regions and NUTS codes. (TODO document)
- Some experiments on the combined use of geographical and statistical data such as
- Statistical data disaggregation based on dasymetric mapping. (TODO document)
- The computation of the intersection matrix between two statistical units datasets. (TODO document)
- ...
Support and contribution
Feel free to ask support, fork the project or simply star it (it's always a pleasure).