G6K copied to clipboard
Issue during installation
I try to install it but I have this :
Executing script cache:clear [KO]
Script cache:clear returned with error code 1
!! In ArrayNode.php line 327:
!! Unrecognized option "migrations_paths" under "doctrine_migrations". Availab
!! le options are "all_or_nothing", "column_length", "column_name", "custom_te
!! mplate", "dir_name", "executed_at_column_name", "name", "namespace", "organ
!! ize_migrations", "table_name".
Script @auto-scripts was called via post-update-cmd
I try to install it but I have this : Executing script cache:clear [KO] [KO] Script cache:clear returned with error code 1 !! !! In ArrayNode.php line 327: !! !! Unrecognized option "migrations_paths" under "doctrine_migrations". Availab !! le options are "all_or_nothing", "column_length", "column_name", "custom_te !! mplate", "dir_name", "executed_at_column_name", "name", "namespace", "organ !! ize_migrations", "table_name". !! !! !! Script @auto-scripts was called via post-update-cmd
Hello I try to install G6K and I can't install it because of this :
Script App\G6K\Composer\ScriptHandler::installDemo handling the g6k-scripts event terminated with an exception
could not find driver
What is your sql driver, see the DB_ENGINE parameter in the ".env" file. The allowed drivers are sqlite, mysql and pgsql
check in php.ini that pdo_pgsql or pdo_sqlite or pdo_mysql (depending on the driver you are using) is enabled
if your driver is mysql or pgsql, the corresponding database engine must be started before installation.
I use the pdo_pgsql, but I don't find any ".env" file or "php.ini" before the installation. Thank you
the .env file is in the G6K installation directory
the php.ini file is in the php installation directory
I'm sorry to disturb you, but I don't have any folder called installation, here is the repository
Please, can you run these 3 commands from the G6K directory:
ls -al
php -i | grep -i PostgreSQL
php -v
and show me the results
here is the result
Ok i see you can't use the pgsql driver because your php is not configured for.
The command php -i | grep -i PostgreSQL
should return the following lines:
PDO Driver for PostgreSQL => enabled
PostgreSQL(libpq) Version => x.x.x
PostgreSQL Support => enabled
PostgreSQL(libpq) Version => x.x.x