G6K copied to clipboard
Account ?
Hello I have a problem concerning the use of your script it asks me an account but in the documentation it is not written anywhere that it is necessary to use an account www/calcul/login https://prnt.sc/pvxddm
If G6K asks you to log in, it means that you want to connect to the administration module (calcul/admin).
To login, there is a user after installation whose identifier is 'admin' and the password 'admin1'.
It is up to you to change this password and to create other users.
Thank you for using this software
Best regards
Thank you for your answer but I have another problem when I put the password that shows me an error "Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem."
Which database engine do you use?
In the case of sqlite, do you have a 'g6k.db' file in the "var/data/databases" directory?
i dont have this file
APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 APP_LOCALE=en-US APP_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY=%kernel.project_dir%/var/uploads APP_VERSION=No-version-set-parsed-as-1.0.0- APP_SECRET=1666586c4119c598fc8d5f937f8b96e059009ef3 PDFTK_PATH= MAILER_URL=null://localhost DB_ENGINE=mysql DB_NAME=cg-minutes DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_USER=root DB_PASSWORD=~ DB_VERSION=3.15 DB_PATH=%kernel.project_dir%/var/data/databases/g6k.db DB_CHARSET=UTF8 HTTP_PROXY=~ HTTPS_PROXY=~ PUBLIC_DIR=calcul APP_LANGUAGE=fr
your database engine is mysql !
can you check that the fos_user table exists in the cg-minutes database?
If it does not exist, it is because the installation did not go well!
You can create the table with the script: https://github.com/eureka2/G6K/blob/master/var/data/databases/fos_user.sql
Don't forget to enter the password in the .env file.
`# This file is auto-generated during the composer install APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 APP_LOCALE=en-US APP_LANGUAGE=fr APP_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY=%kernel.project_dir%/var/uploads APP_VERSION=No-version-set-parsed-as-1.0.0- APP_SECRET=1666586c4119c598fc8d5f937f8b96e059009ef3 PDFTK_PATH= MAILER_URL=null://localhost
###> database configuration ### DB_ENGINE=mysql DB_NAME=cg-minutes DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_USER=root DB_PASSWORD= DB_VERSION=3.15 DB_PATH=%kernel.project_dir%/var/data/databases/g6k.db DB_CHARSET=UTF8 ###< database configuration ###
It still does not work
When I turn on the debug mode it displays Invalid configuration for path" framework.assets ": You can not use both" version_strategy "and" json_manifest_path "at the same time under" assets ".
if you use webpack ?
Problem is resolved my bad