Eunjae Lee
Eunjae Lee
Yes, we will discuss about the flag and try to find a way to provide it. Thanks for the feedback 👍
Hi @websocket98765 Thanks for the detail in this issue. I'm sorry but I couldn't reproduce it. I may not understand the issue correctly. I tried a little bit there....
Hi @waldothedeveloper , Whenever you refresh the page, it needs to fetch the initial hits to display. And that triggers a search API. However, if only react components are re-rendered,...
Hi there, assuming you already indexed your data at Algolia, `searchBox` + `infiniteHits` could work. Not 100% sure what you intent to do. Can you check this example and see...
Hello @swaprenge Thanks for trying out Ship.js. Do you have `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable in `.env` file? I do not have experience with GH Enterprise account. It'd be much helpful if...
Hi @swaprenge, first of all, I have no experience with GH enterprise, so I've never seen that sign-in page. So I may be wrong on what I'm talking about. On...
If that's the cause, I think these three lines should change: * * * There can be a config for that like ``` // ship.config.js module.exports =...
Thanks for the contribution @swaprenge :) I'll wait for your PR then.
Oh it makes sense. These days lots of communities use discord. They can notify new release there.
Hi @francoischalifour , Indeed, there can be a gap between publish and distribution. Ship.js is made for releasing packages to NPM, but now that it provides `publishCommand` to customize...