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A simple blog engine written with Flask.
Simple Blog Engine - A blog engine written with Flask and SQLAlchemy.
Simblin is built to be used by only one author. Simblin has no dashboard, no plugin support and no theme support although the templates and css can be modified by hand, of course. Simblin does not provide its own comment system but has support for Disqus.
On the other hand Simblin delivers most features that are needed to provide a good blogging experience. Simblin has
- tags and categories
- post visibility (for drafts)
- markdown support
- archives
- source code highlighting
- feeds
See the changelog to see what featueres a specific version provides.
In order to run Simblin locally first create a database by running
and after that run python
and head over to
. Drive your mouse to the top right corner to login.
You are going to be redirected to a registration page. Once registered you are
logged in with your credentials.
At first put your real settings in a file
in the same folder where
the README is. You can look at simblin/default-settings.cfg
to get an idea on
how to structure it.
Use a python shell to create a secret key:
>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)
are already configured for use with distribute.
Before you deploy Simblin you should create a virtual environment in your server's project folder. Then you can use Fabric to deploy Simblin. An exemplary fabfile can look like this:
from fabric.api import *
# the user to use for the remote commands
env.user = 'youruser'
# the servers where the commands are executed
env.hosts = ['yourhost']
# the project dir (should be an absolute path)
project_dir = '/var/www/simblin/'
def pack():
# create a new source distribution as tarball
local('python sdist --formats=gztar', capture=False)
def deploy():
# figure out the release name and version
dist = local('python --fullname').strip()
# upload the source tarball to the temporary folder on the server
put('dist/%s.tar.gz' % dist, '/tmp/simblin.tar.gz')
# create a place where we can unzip the tarball, then enter
# that directory and unzip it
run('mkdir -p /tmp/simblin')
with cd('/tmp/simblin'):
run('tar xzf /tmp/simblin.tar.gz')
# You have to be inside the folder where '' resides
with cd('/tmp/simblin/%s' % dist):
# now setup the package with our virtual environment's
# python interpreter
run(project_dir+'env/bin/python install')
# now that all is set up, delete the folder again
run('rm -rf /tmp/simblin /tmp/simblin.tar.gz')
### Configuration files ###
put('', project_dir+'')
put('', project_dir+'')
put('simblin.wsgi', project_dir+'simblin.wsgi')
### Database initialization ###
# the environment variable needs to be set to create the database
# at the specified uri in
# note that the run command cannot be split into two commands because
# the environment variable will not be preserved
run('export SIMBLIN_SETTINGS='+project_dir+';'+
project_dir+'env/bin/python '+project_dir+'')
# so that the database is writable!!
run('chmod -R g+w %s*' % project_dir)
### Static files ###
# upload the static files separately so that you can use a web server
# to serve static files
run('mkdir -p '+project_dir+'static')
put('simblin/static/*', project_dir+'static')
### Apache mod_wsgi ###
# touch the .wsgi file so that mod_wsgi triggers a reload of the application
run('touch '+project_dir+'simblin.wsgi')
### uwsgi ###
# restart uwsgi processes by killing them thus reloading the application
run('killall -9 uwsgi')
def backup():
"""Back up the database"""
import time
get(project_dir+'simblin.db', 'backup/simblin-%d.db' % time.time())
Run fab pack deploy
to deploy Simblin on your server. Run fab backup
obtain a backup of the databse. Of course you can do it manually, too, so you
don't need to hassle with fabric.
Use nosetests test
to run tests.
If you want to learn more about deployment and configuration of flask apps head over to the Flask Documentation.
Cherokee 1.0.8 + uWSGI 0.9.6
This is a short instruction on how to configure the cherokee webserver to host Simblin simply because it's the setup I use. Besides cherokee you need of course uWSGI.
Inside cherokee-admin go to Sources
and create a new one. For Example
Nick: uWSGI 1
Interpreter: /usr/bin/uwsgi -s -t 10 -M -p 1 -C --wsgi-file /your/path/simblin.wsgi
Create a new uWSGI Handler in your virtual server and add uWSGI 1
as an
information source. Save and restart the server. Now everything should work. If
not try to restart the server from the command line
/etc/init.d/cherokee restart
In order to utilize caching add or configure the static content handler of your
virtual server by creating a directory match rule and entering /static/
as the
web directory. On the time tab set the expiration to Do not expire until 2038
This is ok because the static files are versionend by their last modification
date so that when a static file is modified the cache will be updated.
How do I login/create a post?
If you didn't change the default template you can drive your mouse to the top right corner of the web page and a login link should appear. Once logged in you can find a compose and a logout link there.
How to create pages?
Pages are just blog posts. Just "hardcode" the link to a specific blog post in
your template. For example, if you want to have an About
page put
"{{ url_for('show_post', slug='about') }}"
in the href
attribute of the link in your template to the About
This is not needed but I would recommend to put all blog posts which are
supposed to be pages in the category Pages
and additionally I would disable
comments on them.
How to use source code highlighting?
Source code highlighting is enabled by the CodeColor extension of Markdown2 and you don't have to be afraid to use underscores in your code thanks to the CodeFriendly extension.
What's the difference between categories and tags in Simblin?
Tags ought to describe the content of a blog post (what is it about?). Categories on the other hand ought to state where a blog post belongs in. Sometimes, however, the distinction between categories and tags is not clear.
Suppose you create a programming tutorial. One possibility is to not put it in a
category at all and instead tag it with programming
and tutorial
. Another
possiblity is to put it in the category programming
and tag it with
. I, however, would put the post in the categories programming
and add tags like django
if, for instance, the tutorial is about
Since a blog post, in my world view, can belong in different places it should be able to be attached to several categories, too. Therefore categories are essentially implemented like tags. However, tags are deleted automatically when no posts reference a tag anymore. Categories are not.
How to change username/password/email?
Once you registered you can go to
to "reregister"
with new credentials. You must be logged in to do this. Beware: If you forget
to register with new credentials anybody who visits the blog can register as
the admin.
How to supply images/files with a blog post?
There is no integrated way in Simblin. I would suggest that you upload your files/images somewhere, for instance or dropbox etc., and link to them in your blog post.
How to use comments?
Comments are provided by Disqus. Head over to their website to learn more.
Basically you create an account and set the DISQUS_SHORTNAME
option in your
accordingly. For further convenience you should specifiy the
Cross-domain Receiver URL
on the Disqus settings page. Just put there
How to create drafts?
When creating a post just uncheck Visible?
. Doing so will hide the post from
all visitors but the admin. TODO: Be able to manually set the date.
Why another blog engine?
- Learn about web programming in general
- Become more experienced with the excellent Flask framework
- Have a perfectly tailored blog for my website
Do you really think anybody but you will use this shit?
No :), but I like to document my projects in a way as if they were meant for others. This way I write more precise documentation which will be invaluable for me after several weeks without working on the project.