This "Vanilla" ERC20 contract version exclude the EIP-2612 (PERMIT) feature, thereby reducing the contract's byte size and lowering deployment costs. ## Description This "Vanilla" ERC20 contract version exclude the EIP-2612...
> I propose the addition of a "Vanilla" ERC20 contract to the Solmate token contract library, specifically one that excludes the EIP-2612 (PERMIT) implementation. ## Rationale: In a recent exploration...
When running in strict mode i got a octal error. Line; SyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode. at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16) at Module._compile (module.js:374:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:405:10)...
Sometimes yo need to avoid cache on certains errors; ``` javascript app.get('/dont-cache-onthefly', cacher.cache('day'), function(req, res) { // some complex stuff // if have an error response dont cache it: req.noCaching...
Reproducing steps: ```bash whitehat@4cfb79db3f7b:~/test/echidna$ solc-select install 0.8.20 Installing solc '0.8.20'... solVersion '0.8.20' installed. whitehat@4cfb79db3f7b:~/test/echidna$ solc-select use 0.8.20 Switched global version to 0.8.20 whitehat@4cfb79db3f7b:~/test/echidna$ solc --version qemu-x86_64: Could not open '/lib64/':...
Just update the code an lint it with eslint, and compile it with babel.
## Bug Description The Lido protocol's documentation states that the balance of **stETH** is determined by the equation: `staked ETH + total staking rewards - slashing`. However, there exists a...
``` Ran 1 test suite in 58.31ms (54.73ms CPU time): 6 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (6 total tests) testGetKey(bytes32) (gas: 0 (0.000%)) testGetKeys(bytes32,bytes32) (gas: 0 (0.000%)) testSetKey(bytes32,bytes32) (gas:...
Please review @Philogy
Use `returndatasize` instead of `PUSH1 0x00` to save gas