eudi-doc-architecture-and-reference-framework copied to clipboard
US: New use case for EUDI wallet - Digital Car Key holder
Digital Car Key is a potential large-scale use case for the EUDI wallet LSP. Introduce a new use case for Digital Car Key under section '3.3. Other use cases' to enable wider review and discussions. Reference:
User Story
User: A vehicle user in Europe Goal: The goal is to support Digital Car Keys in the EUDI wallet solution architecture Reason: EUDI Wallet can store Digital Car Keys enabling users to hold multiple car keys in their smart phone and seamlessly share their car with others across Europe.
Acceptance Criteria
Introduce a new use case for Digital Car Key under section '3.3. Other use cases' for wider review and discussions.
Initial contribution is submitted in a pull request:
Thank you for your proposal, which will be taken into account for future versions of the ARF subject to the approval process of the eIDAS WG.
Sorry I did not find the section 3.3 in the references you provided there: "introduce a new use case for Digital Car Key under section '3.3. Other use cases' to enable wider review and discussions. Reference:". Could you point to the document with section 3.3? Thank you