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Erlang flavored by Some ML
eml - Erlang flavored by Some ML
There are no Erlang receive,send or match expressions in EML.
Instead there is let and a type of letrec construct as well as currying. Inspired from Haskel, there is also a way to express generation of a list of integers and to represent arithmetic operators as an anonymous function. Currently, only program transformation is done, mainly inspired by the classic SPJ book.
Example 1:
fun foo =
let val X = [1,2,3]
val Y = [a,b,c]
rec Zip = fn [] [] => [] | fn [A|B] [H|T] => [{A,H} | Zip(B,T)]
in Zip(X,Y);
Example 2:
fun double L =
let val Mult2 = map(fn X => X * 2)
in Mult2(L);
fun map F [H|T] =
let val Hd = F(H)
val Tl = map(F,T)
| map _ [] = [];
Example 3:
fun f3 N = foldl(@*, 1, [1..N]);
fun foldl Fun Acc [H|T] = foldl(Fun, Fun(H,Acc), T)
| foldl _ Acc [] = Acc;
If you want to try it out you can either clone the eml_examples.git repo which setup the eml compiler as a rebar plugin, or set it up your self by adding the following to your rebar.config file:
{deps_dir, ["deps"]}.
{deps, [
{eml, "0.*",
{git, "[email protected]:etnt/eml.git",
{plugins, [ rebar_eml_plugin ]}.
{plugin_dir, "deps/rebar_eml_plugin/src"}.